Microsoft's efforts to support ARM64 seems to be gathering pace. In the latest move, the company has introduced ARM64 support for its Mouse and Keyboard Center. With this release, some of the company's peripherals, such as the Surface Precision Mouse, now work on devices like the Surface Pro X.
If you're unfamiliar with Mouse and Keyboard Center, it is a management hub for Windows peripherals. For example, with the app users can customize their accessories, such as what buttons do on mice.
With the Surface Precision Mouse, you can set the pointed to a single side of the display and control a second PC it is paired with through Bluetooth.
Now with ARM64 support in tow, the app is moving to version 12. This opens the door for Surface accessories to work on the Surface Pro X. Lunched last year, the Pro X is an ARM64 device that has not had support for Microsoft's own peripherals.
Mouse and Keyboard Center also added support for the following devices:
- Microsoft Bluetooth Keyboard
- Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse
- Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard
- Microsoft Ergonomic Mouse
Adopting ARM
Last week, Microsoft took ARM support for its Chromium Edge browser close to full release.
In November 2019, Microsoft introduced ARM support for the browser on the Canary channel. The company followed up a month later and moved ARM support to the Dev channel. Now it's on Beta, the support is just one step away from a full release.
As you may know, the ability for Chromium Edge to support native ARM64 is important. Firstly, it will bring the browser in line with its main rivals (although, not Chrome), but it will also ensure better performance for people with ARM-based hardware.