HomeWinBuzzer TipsHow to Change Snapchat Username or Display Name

How to Change Snapchat Username or Display Name

We show you how to change your Snapchat username and display name (Nickname) through Snapchat settings on your smartphone.


There are moments when you would like to change your current social media platform username and would like a new one. Like other popular messaging applications, Snapchat allows you to alter your name, and for years, all you could do was alter your Snapchat display name. Now, the messaging platform is introducing a new feature that allows you to change your username without deactivating your account.

Can I change my Snapchat username?

All Snapchat users now have access to change their Snapchat username, which means you can quickly change your Snapchat username on your Android or iOS smartphone. If the option does not appear for you, make sure you update the Snapchat app to the most recent version available on the Play Store or App Store.

If you still don’t see the “Change username” option shown in our tutorial after updating Snapchat, you can forcibly close the app and clean the cache. Meanwhile, we’ve explained how to update your Snapchat display name and username before the one-year waiting period begins.

You have two names on Snapchat: your username and your display name (Nickname). Your username is on your profile and is how friends and family will locate your account. However, your display name appears above your Snaps and Stories, as well as on everyone’s Snap Map and feeds. Here’s how to update your Snapchat username and display name using your smartphone.

Please Note: You can only change your username once a year, be sure it’s the one you want.

How to Change Your Snapchat Username on a Smartphone

You can change your Snapchat username through settings. Follow along.

  1. Access Your Profile
    Tap the “Profile” icon at the top left corner to open your Snapchat profile.
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon

  2. Enter Settings
    Hit the “Settings” gear icon at the top-right to navigate to your account settings.
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings
  3. Locate and Tap the Username Option
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings - Username
  4. Change The Username
    Scroll to find the “Username” option and tap on “Change Username“, which is highlighted in blue.
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings - Username - Change
  5. Acknowledge the Change
    Tap “Continue” when the prompt message appears, informing you about the once-a-year change policy.
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings - Username - Change - Continue
  6. Input Your New Username
    Type in your new username and tap “Next” at the bottom.
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings - Username - Change - Continue - New Username - Next
  7. Verify with Password
    Enter your Snapchat password for verification and tap “Confirm“.
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings - Username - Change - Continue - New Username - Next - Password - Confirm
  8. Final Confirmation
    Tap “Continue” on the subsequent prompt. Remember, once you tap “Continue“, your new snapchat username will be set for one year.
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings - Username - Change - Continue - New Username - Next - Password - Confirm
  9. Username Changed
    A confirmation prompt will appear, giving you the option to “Share my username” or select “Maybe later“.
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings - Username - Change - Continue - New Username - Next - Password - Confirm - Done

How to Change Your Snapchat Display Name (Nickname) on a Smartphone 

Your display name or nickname is how you appear in friends’ chats and stories. It’s more flexible than your username and can be changed more frequently.

  1. Open Your Profile
    Tap the “Profile” icon at the top left corner to access your Snapchat profile.
     Android - Snapchat - User Icon

  2. Go to Settings
    Click the “Settings” icon at the top-right corner to enter your account settings.
     Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings

  3. Select Name Option
    Tap “Name” to change your display name (Nickname).
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings - Name
  4. Update Your Snapchat Display Name
    Type in your new Snapchat nickname and tap “Save” at the bottom to apply the changes.
    Android - Snapchat - User Icon - Settings - Name - New Name - Save

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Snapchat Username Changes

What happens to my friends list when I change my Snapchat username?

When you change your Snapchat username, your friends list remains intact. Your friends will not be automatically notified of the change, so you might want to inform them that you have a new username. This ensures they recognize your new identity in their chats and friend lists. Despite the username change, all existing conversations, Snapstreaks, and shared memories with your friends will remain unchanged.

Will changing my username affect my Snapstreaks?

Changing your username does not affect your Snapstreaks. They will continue as usual with your friends, as these are linked to your account and not specifically to your username. It’s important to maintain the same snapping behavior with your friends to keep the streaks going.

Can someone else take my old Snapchat username after I change it?

Once you change your Snapchat username, your old username goes back into the pool of available usernames. Snapchat may hold onto it for a short period, but eventually, it could be claimed by a new user. There’s no guarantee that your old username will remain unused, so if you’re attached to a particular username, think carefully before changing it.

How can I check when I can next change my Snapchat username?

Currently, Snapchat does not offer a direct feature to check the exact date when you’ll be eligible to change your username again. It’s advisable to note the date you made the change yourself as a personal reminder. This way, you can keep track of when a year has passed and you’re eligible to change your username again.

What characters are allowed in a Snapchat username?

Snapchat usernames must adhere to certain rules: they can include letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and some special characters like periods (.) and underscores (_). However, spaces, slashes, and other more complex symbols are not permitted. Your username must also start with a letter and can be 3 to 15 characters long. Choose a username that’s easy to remember and reflects your personality or brand.

Does changing my username notify my friends?

Snapchat does not automatically notify your friends when you change your username. If you want your friends to recognize you by your new username, especially in group chats or when they search for you, it’s a good idea to inform them directly. You can do this by sending a Snap or a message to your friends list or by updating your story to announce your new username.

Can I use emojis in my Snapchat display name?

Yes, you can incorporate emojis into your Snapchat display name to add personality and flair. Your display name is visible to your friends in chats and stories, and unlike your username, it’s not bound by strict character limitations. This allows for more creativity and personalization in how you present yourself on Snapchat.

Is it possible to change my display name to something similar to my username?

Absolutely, you can set your display name to be similar or even identical to your username. This can help maintain consistency in how you’re identified across Snapchat, making it easier for friends to remember and recognize you. Since display names aren’t unique, multiple users can have the same or similar display names.

What should I do if my desired username is taken?

If your preferred username is already taken, try being creative by adding numbers, underscores, or abbreviations that are relevant to you. Consider variations that reflect your real name, nickname, or brand while keeping it recognizable to your friends and followers. Snapchat’s username suggestions might also offer some inspiration.

Can I change my Snapchat username more frequently by creating a new account?

While you can create a new Snapchat account with a different username at any time, this means starting from scratch. You’ll lose your current friends list, Snapstreaks, memories, and any other data associated with your old account. Consider the implications of losing this information before deciding to create a new account for the sake of a new username.

How do I ensure my new Snapchat username aligns with my personal or brand identity?

When choosing a new username, consider how it reflects your personal or brand identity. It should be consistent with how you present yourself across other social media platforms to maintain brand coherence. Think about how your username will be perceived by friends, family, and potential followers. A good username is memorable, easy to spell, and gives an idea of what to expect from your content.

Can changing my username help with account privacy or security?

Changing your username can be a strategic move for enhancing privacy or security, especially if your previous username contained personal information or if you’ve experienced harassment. A new username can make it more difficult for unwanted contacts to find you. However, remember to review your privacy settings to manage who can contact you and see your Snaps for comprehensive account security.

What is the impact of changing my username on my public profile or Snapcode?

When you change your Snapchat username, your public profile and Snapcode are automatically updated to reflect your new username. This means any new friends will add you via your new username. However, your Snapcode remains functional, and friends can still add you by scanning it, even though the username associated with it has changed.

If I change my username, will my previous mentions or tags in others’ Snaps and stories update to the new username?

Mentions or tags in existing content do not automatically update to reflect your new username. If you’re tagged in a friend’s story or Snap, that content will retain your old username. It’s a good idea to inform close friends and frequent contacts about your username change to ensure future tags are accurate.

Can I reserve my old username before changing to a new one?

Once you change your username, your old username is released and could potentially be claimed by another user in the future. Snapchat does not offer a way to reserve or hold onto your old username. If you have a strong attachment to your current username, consider this before making a change.

Related: How to Delete Your Snapchat Account Permanently

If you no longer wish to use your Snapchat, it therefore is a good idea to completely delete your Snapchat account. Otherwise, your data might be used without explicit consent or hackers might gain access. Once a Snapchat account has been deleted, you can use the exact same registration details to create a new account if you decide to start from scratch.
Featured - how to delete a snapchat account

Related: How to Block or Unblock Someone on Snapchat

Connecting with people through social media may be fantastic — until it isn’t. Perhaps you are receiving inappropriate messages from that one friend, or you do not want that person to be able to view your posts, and that is when you should block that person. You may want to block specific persons on Snapchat from contacting you to keep your peace. In our other guide, we show you how to unblock and multiple ways to block someone on Snapchat through chats, stories, maps, and usernames.
Featured - how to block or unblock someone on snapchat

Related: How to Make a Group Chat on Snapchat

Creating and maintaining group chats on Snapchat is a breeze if you know where to look. On the other hand, snaps sent to a group chat do not count towards Snapstreaks with individual Snapchat users. If you want to keep your Snapstreak with someone, you must still send them individual snaps. In our other guide, we show you how to create and manage group chats on Snapchat.
Featured - how to make a group chat on snapchat

Last Updated on November 7, 2024 10:03 pm CET

Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus has been covering the tech industry for more than 15 years. He is holding a Master´s degree in International Economics and is the founder and managing editor of Winbuzzer.com.

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