Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has unveiled a series of new desktop processors which integrate neural processing units (NPUs) for the first time. The 8000G-series processors, announced during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), include integrated graphics and AI engines, marking a significant advancement in desktop computing capabilities. AMD's innovation provides users with the ability to run machine learning tasks more efficiently alongside typical computing functions.
Ryzen 8000G APUs: Bringing AI to the Mainstream
The new 8000G-series processors leverage AMD's Zen 4 core architecture and include integrated Radeon graphics. These graphics units are derived from AMD's notebook offerings — Radeon 740M, 760M, and 780M — yet are powerful enough to support gaming at over 60 frames per second on various AAA titles when settings are appropriately adjusted. The APUs are equipped with dedicated AI engines based on the XDNA architecture, originating from AMD's Xilinx FPGA business unit. These NPUs excel in offloading and accelerating specialized tasks such as video call enhancements and media upscaling.
AMD emphasizes that the 8000G-series processors aim to offer a balanced performance for everyday tasks and gaming, rather than competing with high-end enthusiast graphics cards. The top models in the series boast up to 39 TOPS (trillions of operations per second) of inferencing performance, facilitating on-device AI and machine learning functions.
Enhancements Across the Product Stack
Alongside the 8000G series, AMD also announced a memory upgrade for the entry-level RX 7600 XT graphics card, extending its GDDR6 memory to 16GB. This increase is expected to enable better performance in gaming and allow for more substantial generative AI workloads. For instance, this capacity expansion facilitates running larger AI models like Meta's Llama 2 and Stable Diffusion.
Despite the focus on its latest products, AMD continues to support its Ryzen 5000 series, which remains popular among users of AM4 platform motherboards. Four new CPUs and APUs have been added to this series, and although they may utilize the older Vega GPU architecture, they provide a cost-effective upgrade path for many users.
The Ryzen 8000G-series processors are set for availability starting January 31. The RX 7600 XT will be available for purchase on January 24 from various OEM partners. For those interested in the updated Ryzen 5000-series, these will also be accessible January 31.
AMD's commitment to innovation and backward compatibility demonstrates its goal to cater to a wide range of consumers, from gamers and content creators to those simply looking to extend the lifespan of their current systems. With the introduction of AI capabilities directly on desktop processors, AMD is positioning itself at the forefront of accessible, high-performance computing.