Microsoft has announced measures to reduce the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) in Minecraft Earth. The augmented reality game, which borrows a lot from Pokémon GO, is moving to a model that requires less time outside the house.
As such, the tappable spawn rate and tappable density have increased. Rather than scouring your local park, you should be able to stay inside and still see a good amount of chests, blocks, and mobs.
On top of all this, you can now use Adventures Crystals to play them without leaving your house. The idea is naturally to encourage children and other players to stay inside as much possible. In the case of countries in lockdown, changes like this are all but essential if you want to keep playing. Its rival Pokémon-themed game made similar adjustments last week.
“We want to help you #FlattenTheCurve! To align with COVID-19 precautionary measures, we have made it easier than ever to play Minecraft Earth from home,” said the official Twitter account.
Microsoft already postponed its Minecraft Festival due to coronavirus, adhering to state guidelines and protecting both its staff and fans. In the main game, it added an education section to the marketplace and made the education edition free to eligible users.
In late February, Minecraft Earth received a major update that introduced new mobs, minis, and boosts. Though having to stay inside isn’t much fun for anybody, fans of the game at least have more time and increased chances to find those new creatures.