Twitter user WalkingCat has revealed details about Microsoft’s September update for Office on iOS and Mac. These features are yet unconfirmed but are sourced from .html files on the Office site.
It appears that iOS will be getting Smart Lookup, as well as a new laser pointer option. Office for Mac will be receiving focus mode, color guides and more.
Full Changelog
We have compiled a list of the features WalkingCat leaked via Twitter, but would like to warn that they may not be entirely accurate, and some exist in Insider builds already:
- “Edmodo and Tencent work with Office: Users can now store and access their Office files with Edmodo and Tencent.
- A New Way to Use the Laser Pointer: In presenter view, point your phone at the screen, then press and hold in the notes area to turn your device into a laser pointer.
- Smart Lookup: Get useful information, images, definitions, and more. Press and hold on a word or phrase and choose Smart Lookup.
Office for Mac:
- PowerPoint Designer: You supply the pictures, PowerPoint Designer supplies the high-quality, professional design ideas for your slides.
- Color Your Guides: Choose a color to make your guides stand out against the slide background.
- Trim Audio and Video Files: Trim unwanted content from the beginning or end of your audio or video files. You can also trigger an animation by using a bookmark in your media file.
- Focus Mode: Switch to Focus mode on the View menu to remove distractions and concentrate on your work.”
Focus mode is a highly requested feature and recently made its way to the Insider build on Mac. It changes Word to have a black background and minimize some toolbars, while also giving easy access to common commands.
These changes should be coming to the general public in the next few weeks as part of Microsoft’s September update.