Though it has been in beta for around a month, Intel's 20.19.4463 graphics driver is now available in full. The update should affect most fourth, fifth and sixth generation Intel Core processors, which are present in the Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book.
The drivers have started to roll out already, meaning that users should see upgrade suggestions within a few days and will be able to initiate the automatic install process.
Some of the issues found in the previous build are fixed by the update, with the full list below:
- System may hang while resuming from Sleep/Hibernation while using WiDi.
- Graphics corruptions may be seen in Just Cause 3, Forza Apex, The Witness, XCOM 2, Ark Survival: Evolved.
- Scaling issue, Black Borders problem in Windows 10® – Stuck at ‘Constrain proportions'.
- Screen may not rotate in full-screen mode and other miscellaneous issues with screen rotation.
- System may crash when playing back videos over WiDi or Miracast.
- System may crash/hang in Doom (2016), Rise of the Tomb Raider, F1 2015, Just Cause 3, Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt: Hearts of Stone, Day Z, Ark Survival Evolved, Arma III, DayZ.
- Green lines in mipmaps.
- Replacing expression e with (false ? … : e) causes dramatic change in rendering.
- Replacing p with (p * vec3(1.0) leads to malformed image.
- Incorrect results returned by glGetProgramResourceiv for buffer objects in compute shader Windows 7.
- Screen may blank during League of Legends.
The fixes affect Windows 10 users the most, removing a number of graphical errors when trying to play next generation games as well as fixing some general issues. There are also a couple of fixes that will improve the experience of those using Windows 8.1 and 7.
To get further information and a full list of the processors included you can view the release notes on the Intel website.