Microsoft Sees Windows 10 Mobile Grow Again in April

Windows 10 Mobile continues to grow against other Windows builds, while the best-selling platform devices are those running the new build.

While Windows continues to perform poorly against Android and iOS, the Windows 10 Mobile platform has grown consistently within its own ecosystem since being launched.

It has regularly encroached on the Windows market share occupied by older Windows Phone builds like version 8.1, and the latest data from AdDuplex show April’s figures are also encouraging.

As always, the data was taken over 24 hour snapshot period, which was April 25 in this case. Windows 10 Mobile has expectedly grown by 1.5% while Windows Phone 8.1 decreased by 2.0%.

The big surprise in terms of fragmentation figures is that all but obsolete Windows Phone 8.0 saw a rise of 0.1% and Windows Phone 7.x rose 3.0%, accounting for the additional loss from Windows Phone 8.1.


As AdDuplex points out, this could mean that not everyone leaving Windows Phone 8.1 is doing so to upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile, and people with aging devices (up to 3 generations old) are still using them. Overall, Windows 10 Mobile now has a market share of 9.2%, largely driven by Microsoft’s own Lumia devices that have been upgraded recently.

Nokia or Microsoft Lumia handsets account for 97.03% of the entire Windows Mobile market, with OEMs such as Samsung, HTC, Blu, and Huawei having almost non-existent market shares. Of course, not all the Lumia smartphones have been upgraded to Windows 10 Mobile, but plenty of models are eligible for the upgrade.


Microsoft has been criticized for its roll out plans for the Windows 10 Mobile software, but nevertheless the Lumia 1520, 930, 640, 640XL, 730, 735, 830, 532, 535, 540, 635 1GB, 636 1GB, 638 1GB, 430, and 435 can all get the new platform.

Most of those devices are the best-selling Windows smartphones on the market, including the Lumia 535, which became the best-selling Windows device with 12.5% of market share. Worldwide there is no room for Microsoft’s flagship Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL handsets, highlighting a problem with the Windows Platform not appealing to high end consumers.


This is evident in the United States, Microsoft’s home country and a market that favors flagship purchases. The Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL are not within the top 10 best-selling Windows phone, with even the HTC One M8 for Windows selling more units.

This means Windows remains a platform or mid-range and budget buyers, which has given the OS a foundation, but Microsoft needs more devices to entice new consumers.

Windows 10 Mobile is the best chance for the company to do that as manufacturers have been waiting for its availability before launching new smartphones. There are a number of new devices in the pipeline, which will all increase Windows market share against rival platforms and see Windows 10 Mobile surge further to become the dominant Windows build.

Luke Jones
Luke Jones
Luke has been writing about Microsoft and the wider tech industry for over 10 years. With a degree in creative and professional writing, Luke looks for the interesting spin when covering AI, Windows, Xbox, and more.

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JP Buck111

Of course more HTC One M8’s have been sold, Verizon has those. If you are going to build a flagship device it only makes sense you would have worked out something to get one for the largest carrier out there so a large number of customers can get them. Why doesn’t anyone ever mention that. Right now the only Lumia option for Verizon is the “Third World” class 735, my 4 year old Nokia 822 is better than that. Getting by with my M8 until they wake up and get a decent Windows Mobile from any manufacturer on Verizon because my area doesn’t leave me with any other option. And yes for the most part I believe Verizon is to blame for not having the 950’s but like I said I don’t really have any other carrier to choose from.

Jim Buckingham

HTC One M8 is on Verizon, of course it out sells them, when will you writers and Microsoft WAKE UP. Not on Verizon = no market share, duh. Build a flagship device for carriers with no market share of there own and there’s no one to buy it. Get the 950’s on Verizon and see what happens. Why is it no one ever mentions that.

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