Microsoft recently introduced Xbox One X is an incredible performer. Indeed, the company describes it (accurately) as the most powerful console ever made. Most outlets, including us, have compared it favorably to Sony’s PlayStation 4 Pro. However, the developer behind Crackdown 3 says the difference between the consoles is night and day.
This echoes a previous statement from Xbox chief Phil Spencer. He said comparisons between Xbox One X and PS4 Pro are unfair as the Xbox is simply much more powerful.
Compared to the PS4 Pro, the Xbox One X has 2TFLOPS (6 in total) more, increased GPU strength, and a full 4K Blu-ray player. We have seen in recent benchmarks how will this gives the console a clear advantage in scaling to 4K.
Additionally, it is already clear the X will give native 4K gaming capabilities that the PS4 Pro cannot.
Gareth Wilson, Design Director for Crackdown 3 developer Sumo Digital, says Microsoft’s boasts about Xbox One X are true. The console does significantly outperform the PS4 Pro:
“We’ve got something like 15,000 simultaneous props moving around in our game (Crackdown 3). Now the Xbox One X just eats them for breakfast,” Wilson says.
“You can just go and go and go with it. Once we start making games that are optimized for that platform, it’s going to be badass. I don’t mind saying that it’s significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 4 Pro, and we’ve worked with PlayStation 4 Pro. It’s way more powerful. It’s a night and day difference.”
Breaking it Down
Ok, so many of you probably known Crackdown 3 will be an Xbox exclusive when it is released. However, Sumo Digital does develop games across platform. One of them is a AAA open world game that will launch on PS4 Pro.
This means the company has experience working with Sony’s and Microsoft’s flagship game machines.
It’s not about what Crackdown 3 looks like (honestly, I think it looks graphically decent but not special). Instead Wilson has explained how they were able to get so much more from the Xbox One X.
It is a unique position where developers are openly saying Microsoft’s console is better. Sony is the runaway market leader, but the company must be concerned by the obvious positive buzz around the Xbox One X.
Get real people, the same “Whoever developers” that spoke early on that the PS4 was significantly better than the original Xbox One, were dismissed, and mocked by Xbox fans as “biased” or “No name developers”, now the shoe is on the other foot, and Sony Fanboys criticize and IGNORE the signs, that the Xbox One X is SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful than the PS4 PRO, and will learn the hardway. Already well known “Sony” development studios are making 2 games, that are gonna be coming to Xbox X in late 2018. Developers have ZERO loyalty to Specific platforms, unless under contract,, it’s about MAXIMUM ITERATION of a developers concept/game/app/content that drive producing for certain systems. Xbox one X wont see TRULY astonishing games for at least 1-2 years, but when those games come out, IM TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW, there are at least 3 first party studios wanting to make games for Xbox One X, and PC. Since Microsoft is not seeking console exclusives anymore, it’s merging the two ecosystems. So get ready gamers, if I was allowed to tell you what’s coming, I would. But trust me when I say, you’re gonna want to have an Xbox One X, or a gaming PC by the end of 2018, some of the games I’ve been privy to see in development are, for lack of a better word, NEXT-GEN.
“It is already clear the X will give native 4k gaming the PS4 Pro cannot”. The PS4 Pro has native 4k games. Time and time again, people keep saying the Pro cannot do native 4k, when it’s clearly have shown it can, just not in all games. I think people grab onto one piece of information that suits their narrative, then block out everything else. Then believe what they want to believe. We all know the 1X is more powerful, with it having 6TLOPS vs the Pro being 4.2 TFOPS, that’s a 1.80 TFLOPS advantage. That’s a given, being that it’s releasing a year later. While i agree with Sumo Digital that the 1X is significantly more powerful than the PS4 Pro; Their game, “Crackdown 3” doesn’t reflect that in my opinion.
I am an Xbox One man myself, but it appears like there are quite a few games the Pro can run at Native 4k at 60 FPS. Here is a list I compiled: Bulletstorm: Full Clip, Fifa 17, Forma8, Hustle Kings, King Of Fighters XIV, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD Remix, Mantis Burn Racing, NBA 2K17, Neon Chrome, Pro Evolution Soccer, Resogun, Rez Infinite, Super Stardust Ultra, Tethered, Thumper, Viking Squad.
I think there are a few more as well. I think it is safe to assume with Xbox One X’s specs more games should be able to hit that 4k 60 FPS than the Pro, but still not all. I am mainly excited for the increased speed so that my home screen will load even faster. I currently do most of my gaming during short periods of time, during commercials, when the wife leaves the room, etc. Being able to run multiple games and apps at the same time, is what I am all about.
I’m a Playstation person myself, i just don’t care for all the bashing to the point where they start spewing lies. I do recognize both are good system and has something to offer for everyone’s taste. When i visit my brother’s place, i might game with him on his XB1. He’s planning on getting the 1X, i have the Pro and it’s pretty fast and a good system.
It’s the “kind” of games a System can do in 4K. So far the only games the Pro can do in Native 4K are few Sport titles, Last Gen remasters and the less graphically demanding like indies. Meanwhile all MS first party AAAs will be Native 4K and more third party AAAs as well.
I understand how the resolution talk is very annoying, but that’s something we have to thank Sony, their fanboys and the gaming media for. They made resolution the focal point of this generation when the PS4 had the small power advantage over the XB1. Even now that MS has made clear they will let developers freely decide on how they will use the Power of the X, many in the gaming media are trying their best to downplay the power of the XB1X has over the Pro just because a couple of third party developers said they would use a combination of dynamic scaling and checkerboard without further details. However, it’s a positive thing when more developers are recognizing the Native 4K capabilities of the System.