Minecraft console developer 4J Studios has rolled out the first significant update of the year to the Xbox One and 360 versions of the game. The changes include various bug-fixes, as well as new achievements and particle effects.
Minecraft Content Update 38 Changelog
Content Update 38 began rolling out to players on January 27th and has a long list of improvements. Here they are in full:
- “Fix for Horses not jumping to the correct height.
- Re-entering a tutorial area while the playing the Tutorial will reset the chests.
- Fix for Slab blocks not blocking light.
- Fix for Chickens not dropping Cooked Chicken when they die on fire.
- Fix for Blazes not dropping Glowstone Dust when they die.
- Fixed the drop rate of Gold Nuggets.
- Fix for Zombie Pigmen not dropping Gold Ingots when they die.
- Fix for tamed Ocelots remaining hostile to anything they were attacking before being tamed.
- Fix for crash when spawning too many Shulkers.
- Fix for Enderman not taking damage from rain while in a Boat.
- Improvements to framerate when throwing a lot of Lingering Potions.
- Fix for Wither Skeleton being able to walk through two block high spaces.
- Minor changes to Battle Mini Game maps to close off areas that should not be accessible.
- Fix for lighting issues when digging down in spawn area.
- Fix for rename Record losing its name after being in a Jukebox.
- Added chance of Melon, Pumpkin, and Beetroot Seeds, and Jungle Saplings spawning in the Bonus Chest.
- Fix for a range of tooltips that would appear when the action was not available.
- Fix for Mob Spawner error that occured after using a spawn egg to change what it should spawn.
- Fixes to End Gateway generation.
- Fix for End spawn location being in the wrong place.
- Added a particle effect and sound effect when a mob spawner fails to spawn due to spawn limits.
- Fix for crash when placing a Sign on top of Tall Grass.
- Stop End Crystals exploding when “TNT Explodes” is disabled.
- Fix for Hoppers not collecting items above them.
- Added new 11 achievements for Survival.
- Added new 7 achievements for Tumble.”
The changes are exactly the same for both consoles and should download automatically. You can find more information on Xbox One and Xbox 360 updates on the Minecraft forums.