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Microsoft Brings HoloLens Apps Remote Assist and Project Visualize to Android and iOS

Microsoft’s expansion of HoloLens apps to mobile has started, with Remote Assist coming to Android and Project Visualize debuting on iOS.

HoloLens App Gets Approval from FDA for Use in Surgical Planning

OpenSight has become the first HoloLens app to get FDA approval and will be used for training and surgery planning once it hits the market.
HoloLens Microsoft Official

Microsoft’s Holographic Remoting Player HoloLens App Lands in Windows Store

Holographic Remoting Player lets users outsource the processing needs to the HoloLens to a PC. This means the processing is not carried out by the device, with frame improvements up to 60fps one of the advantages.
Holo Anatomy YouTube Microsoft

Microsoft HoloLens App ‘HoloAnatomy” Named International Science Media Finalist

The mixed-reality application was the first third party app to be launched for the HoloLens, and faces stiff competition from Google and Sir David Attenborough.
HoloLens Microsoft Official

Microsoft Adds More HoloLens Apps and Games to Windows Store

After saying the HoloLens will only launch to consumers when more content is ready, Microsoft is continuing to back its augmented reality headset with three new games and a new application, with all now available on the Windows Store.

Apple Unveils Vision Pro: A $3,499 Headset That Blends AR and VR like Microsoft’s...

Apple’s Vision Pro launches to Mainstream AR/VR, but is it really a game-changer or a Microsoft HoloLens clone?

Microsoft: HoloLens 3 Will Happen, but the Update Must Be “Meaningful”

Microsoft says that it will build a HoloLens 3 headset by only when the company thinks there is value for customers.

Leak: Microsoft Unhappy with HoloLens 2 Partnership with US Army

A leaked memo suggests Microsoft thinks the US Army is unimpressed with HoloLens 2 IVAS amid $22 billion contract.

Microsoft Debuts Holographic Remoting App for Streaming Apps from PC to HoloLens 2

HoloLens 2 users can use the Holographic Remoting app to stream more intensive apps from Windows 10 or Xbox One without using HMD resources.

HoloLens Gets First Porn App, the 3D Holo Girlfriend

Feeling lonely and in need of some love? Microsoft HoloLens has an app for that thanks to the 3D Hologroup’s 3D Holo Girlfriend.
hololens microsoft

Microsoft Patent Points HoloLens Towards Open 3D Mapping Capabilities

The HoloLens ability to map and store a real environment in 3D could be developed into an ability to create a network of 3D maps for users to call upon.
Verto Studio D Official

Verto Studio 3D App Makes 3D Modeling on HoloLens Easy

The upcoming Verto Studio 3D application allows users to create 3D models and interact with them when wearing HoloLens. It is the first software of its kind for mixed reality.
Exanaview HoloLens App YouTube Screenshot WinBuzzer

HoloLens Exanaview App Allows 3D Spatial Mapping to Expand Environments

In a video demonstration, the Exanaview app uses HoloLens to change environments and show spaces beyond walls and doors. The software can create illusions of scale, or be used to map an actual environment beyond where the user is.
HoloStream App iOS Official

Developers Can Now Stream HoloLens Content to iOS with HoloStream App

Developed by Kazendi, the HoloStream app allows developers to stream from the HoloLens headset to iPad and iPhone. This allows people without a headset to see what is happening on Microsoft’s augmented reality device.
Fitbit App Windows Store Official

Fitbit UWP Windows 10 App Available on HoloLens

A new update for the Fitbit app on Windows 10 has brought the service to HoloLens through the Universal Windows Platform. The application is also showing up on the Xbox One.
HoloMeasure App official Windows Store

HoloMeasure App: Microsoft Hololens Gets Holographic Measuring Tape

HoloMeasure allows the user to set two points with an air-tap by gazing towards objects or just by using the clicker. Then, it instantly...
Microsoft Actiongram video screenshot

Microsoft Demoes HoloLens Actiongram App for Holographic Storytelling

To allow non-technical people create awesome holographic stories, Microsoft has announced a new app, called Actiongram.
Microsoft HoloTour app official windows store

HoloTour: Microsoft Publishes Hololens Virtual Sightseeing App

Microsoft´s HoloTour promises a cinematic mixed-reality experience using the HoloLens headset. The first two locations that can be visited with HoloTour are historical places in Rome and the Machu Picchu Inca citadel in the Andes Mountains of Peru.
Microsoft HoloLens HoloStudio app official

HoloStudio: Microsoft Releases HoloLens 3D Creation App on the Windows Store

Microsoft has published HoloStudio on the Windows Store and prepares the delivery of first HoloLens units at the end of the month. HoloStudio offers a point and click toolset for creating holograms for Microsoft´s 3D headset.
hololens candy crush Youtube shot

Microsoft Employees show off Hololens in videos, playing with Universal Apps at home

Videos shared by internal testers from Microsoft show how they Hololens at home, running Windows Apps on walls of their private homes.

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