In response to CEO Pavel Durov's recent arrest in France, Telegram has decided to extend its moderation rules to include private chats. The adjustment is aimed at addressing misuse of the platform for illegal activities, a concern heightened by French officials.
Pavel Durov's Legal Situation
Pavel Durov has been charged in France for allegedly not curbing the spread of illegal content on Telegram. The authorities accuse the app of being a conduit for criminal activities, including the dissemination of child sexual abuse material. Durov, who is currently in France awaiting trial, has labeled the accusations as baseless. In a comprehensive 600-word message on his Telegram account, he acknowledged the platform's “growing pains” and assured substantial reforms.
Previously, Telegram's FAQ indicated no moderation for private groups. The revised policy allows users to report illegal activities in private chats, marking a substantial shift in the company's stance on private communications. The change aims to reshape Telegram's image and address long-standing criticisms about its handling of unlawful content.
Broader Implications
The policy change could have a far-reaching impact on Telegram, which has been criticized for its approach to illegal content. By including private chats under its moderation framework, Telegram seeks to adhere to legal standards and improve the platform's security and reliability.
In his statement, Durov highlighted the challenge of balancing privacy with security, particularly in countries with weak rule of law. He indicated that Telegram has an official representative in the EU to liaise with law enforcement and has already cooperated with French authorities on anti-terrorism efforts.
Durov condemned the use of outdated laws to hold him accountable for third-party actions on Telegram but reaffirmed the company's commitment to its core values, even if it means withdrawing from markets that demand excessive surveillance.
Telegram's Moderation Measures
Durov pointed out that Telegram removes millions of harmful posts and channels daily and publishes transparency reports. He attributed part of the moderation challenges to the app's growing user base, now at 950 million. Furthermore, Durov promised significant improvements in Telegram's moderation mechanisms and committed to sharing progress updates in the near future.
Telegram has been banned in countries like Russia and Iran for not complying with government orders. Durov stressed the importance of streamlining the platform's processes to avoid confusion over law enforcement requests. The company is also under investigation in South Korea over possible involvement in allowing deepfake sex crimes.