This article was contributed by Isabella Davis, who works at SlidePeak as an expert in presentation design.
PowerPoints present ideas artistically, and there are endless possibilities when using PPTs for presentations. If you desire to pass an important message to an audience, go no further than PowerPoint. And to make them even more effective, consider adding animations. Wondering what are animations in PowerPoint? They are graphic elements that display the movement of content in a slide or to the entire slide. Efficiently using animations in a PPT will help you pass a clear message in an engaging manner. Here’s how to add animation to PowerPoint slides to create a superior deck.
Plan Ahead
The secret to making a powerful keynote with animations like an expert at a presentation design company is to plan. Many people start working on their PPTs before taking the time to consider what information they want to include. Before making your deck, plan and make an outline of how your presentation should look. Focus on the message you want to pass to your viewers and how you want them to perceive it. Consider the types of animations that will help you attain this goal. Planning will not just help you create a powerful presentation but will also help save time when creating the slides.
Focus on Visual Appeal
Another secret to the best PowerPoint animations is to focus on visual appeal. PowerPoint animations aim to reduce boredom and keep an audience engaged. Besides, they enhance the audience’s curiosity as viewers will want to know what is next. Therefore, use graphics that boost visual appeal to hook the audience. For instance, use engaging and bright colors.
Use Different Animation Types to Tell a Visual Story
Explaining complex systems can be challenging when using PowerPoint. However, visual communication can help in easing the explanation. Providing animated diagrams or images that the audience can use to base their understanding can improve the quality of the presentation. Systematically use the diagrams/images to walk the audience through the full story. Using a combination of different animation types, such as charts, tables, and text, can visually aid the audience’s flow with your story.
Use Animations Sparingly
One common mistake people make when using animation for PowerPoint is overusing the animations. Using too many animations on your slides can detract from their aesthetic appeal and make the slides less attractive. Besides, it increases the risk of your audience being distracted and not grasping the idea you are trying to present. Before adding animation to your content, think through it and see if it adds value to it. Learn how to balance image and text animation to make your work more cohesive. Additionally, add animations based on the content niche.
Prioritize Content
Any information that you include in your slides should be accurate and well-researched. If the information you add to your slides is inaccurate, the different PowerPoint animation tricks you will use in your presentation will not add any value. Ensure you emphasize the content you intend to deliver and undertake robust research to help you pass your message. Animations should only be used to complement the message or make it easier to understand.
Use the Right Timing and Make the Appropriate Duration
After knowing exactly where to put animations, figure out when you actually require to animate. You have the option of using a transition or an animation. You should only use one of these in every slide to avoid visual overload on the viewers. To provide information throughout the slide, you should consider using a transition. When there are just a handful of elements you desire to display at a time, using animations is the wiser alternative.
Another important factor in determining how the audience views the animation is its duration. Consider a presentation where the slides are transitioned slowly. Although there may be a striking visual effect at the beginning of the presentation, if it plays repeatedly, the audience will eventually become disinterested and irritated.
Focus on Object Emphasis
When designing PPT animation slides, include 3D objects to emphasize your points. Animate the images and the objects that emphasize your points. Include animations in the headings or crucial points. You can make a key point more visible by changing its color elements or introducing a dynamic motion to the PPT. You can go ahead and make 3D elements pop by rotating them. Another option is zooming and magnifying.
Utilize the Slide Master
Put the slide master to use if you have trouble producing consistent animated content for PPT. The tool allows you to add animations to any slide with just a single click. Instead of taking too much time to add animations one by one on every slide, the slide master will do it all at once. It’ll also ensure that everything is consistent. Slide master also puts transitions to every slide, making the keynote flow well.
Manage Slide Flow by Fine-Tuning Animation Triggers
PPT’s trigger menu facilitates the manipulation of slide animations. It lets you select what should prompt the animations to begin. Numerous options are available, such as setting timing delay or a mouse. Tuning triggers allows you to have complete control over the animations. The trigger feature is located in the advanced animation group’s animation tab.
Preview Everything and Test
After incorporating PowerPoint animation ideas, test them to see if your PPT is flawless. Ensure that every animation that you’ve incorporated supports the display of other devices. Some people might still be using outdated PPT versions, and the preview options could be limited. Additionally, ensure the sound and timing of the animations are correct. If you feel some animations can still distract viewers, you can eliminate them to create a deck that meets your needs.
Animations are an interactive way of passing your message, but you should ensure you don’t overuse them and distract viewers. Use them only when necessary and to amplify a crucial message. Additionally, to maintain the clarity of your message, use animations sparingly. To use animations for PowerPoint efficiently, look no further than the powerful animation tricks discussed above.
About the Author
Isabella Davis is an expert in presentation design, known for her skill in creating visually compelling and effective presentations. She works at SlidePeak as an expert in presentation design and studied design at Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom. Isabella Davis believes that anyone can master this craft with dedication. She promotes good design principles and storytelling, helping others to create presentations that engage and inspire.
Last Updated on July 8, 2024 4:57 pm CEST