Microsoft has introduced its latest Surface Laptop, now powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X processors. The new models, available in 13.8-inch and 15-inch sizes, promise a significant performance boost over their predecessors and comes optimized with artificial intelligence (AI) powered hardware and features like the new Surface Pro. Microsoft claims the new Surface Laptop is 86% faster than the Intel-powered Surface Laptop 5, supporting up to three 4K displays and offering up to 22 hours of video playback.
The new Surface Laptop includes several enhancements aimed at improving user experience. It features High Dynamic Range (HDR) support for better color and contrast, a haptic trackpad for tactile feedback, and rounded display corners for a modern look. The device is available in four colors: black, platinum, dune, and sapphire, although the base model is only available in platinum.
Challenging Apple with ARM CPUs
By integrating the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon X chips, Microsoft aims to enhance the performance and efficiency of its Surface Laptop line. The significant speed increase and extended battery life are expected to appeal to both professional and casual users. The company obviously aims to set a new standard in the laptop market, challenging competitors like Apple with the new advancements.
Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite, with its power consumption configurable up to 50 watts, remains a focal point. Meanwhile, Apple's M3 chip is noted for its thermal design power (TDP) of around 20 watts. Despite these differences, the Microsoft Surface Laptop, equipped with a 12-core X Elite, 16GB of RAM, and 512GB of flash storage, is expected to be more cost-effective than Apple's MacBook Air, potentially offering better performance for the price.
The Surface Laptop features a Qualcomm Adreno GPU and comes in two display resolutions: 2304 x 1536 for the 13.8-inch model and 2496 x 1664 for the 15-inch model, both with a 120Hz variable refresh rate and Dolby Vision IQ support. The laptops are equipped with two USB-C ports, one USB-A 3.1 port, a 1080p camera, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. The 15-inch model ships with a 65-watt power supply, whereas the 13.8-inch version comes with a 39-watt charger. The 13.8-inch model weighs 2.96 pounds and measures 11.85 inches x 8.67 inches x 0.69 inches, while the 15-inch model weighs 3.67 pounds and measures 12.96 x 9.41 x 0.72 inches.
New AI Features
Marketed as a “Copilot+ PC”, the Surface Laptop includes a neural processing unit that powers new Windows 11 AI features like Recall, which is designed to track user activities and allow users to revisit any moment using natural language commands. These AI features will be available on these machines before their Intel counterparts. During its event, Microsoft demonstrated on-device video call translation, showcasing live translation of three languages simultaneously.
Pricing and Availability
The new Surface Laptop is available for preorder starting at $999.99 for the 13.8-inch model and $1,199.99 for the 15-inch model, with shipping set for June 18th. The base configuration includes 16GB of RAM and 256GB of SSD storage, with options to upgrade to a 1TB SSD and 32GB of RAM, or even 64GB as a preorder exclusive.