Microsoft has plans to launch a new generation of Windows on ARM PCs in 2024, starting with its own Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6. These devices are set to debut at a special Surface event scheduled for May 20, 2024. Microsoft will release the ARM versions of the newest Surface devices, which launched with Intel processors last month.
According the The Verge, this initiative marks a significant step in Microsoft's long-term strategy, as the company aims to solidify its position in the ARM-based PC market, challenging competitors like Apple's M3-based MacBook Air.
Enhanced Performance and AI Integration
Sources within Microsoft have revealed the company's confidence in its ARM-powered PCs, suggesting they will outperform Apple's offerings, particularly in app emulation speeds. Microsoft's internal documents highlight that Windows AI PCs with ARM processors will emulate apps more efficiently than Apple's Rosetta 2 emulation layer. Furthermore, Microsoft plans to introduce next-gen Windows 11 features exclusively on these ARM chips, including an “AI File Explorer,” local Copilot processing, and advanced audio/video capabilities. The company's commitment to integrating AI into its operating system is evident, with expectations that half of all new Windows computers will be equipped with AI chips by the end of 2026.
Industry Support and Future Prospects
The push for Windows on ARM has garnered support from key industry players. Qualcomm has touted its new Snapdragon X Elite chip as a superior option for ARM-based PCs, capable of delivering exceptional performance across various applications, including gaming. Additionally, Google has contributed to the platform's potential success by releasing a native version of Chrome for Windows on ARM, ensuring users have access to the world's most popular browser. This collective effort underscores the industry's belief in the viability and future success of ARM technology in the PC market.
As Microsoft prepares for its May 2024 event, the tech community eagerly anticipates the unveiling of the Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6, along with a showcase of Windows 11's AI-driven features. With ARM technology at the forefront, Microsoft is poised to redefine the PC landscape, offering users enhanced performance, efficiency, and cutting-edge capabilities.