How to Delete a Comment on Instagram and Use Comment Filters for Unwanted Words

We show you how to delete comments on Instagram manually, how to block them automatically with keyword filters and how to mute someone to not see anything from them anymore.

Instagram, with its user-friendly interface and a vast array of features, has become a staple in our daily digital lives. Whether you’re a seasoned user or new to this visual-centric platform, understanding how to manage your interactions, especially comments, is essential.

Comments on Instagram are public interactions that can shape the perception of your profile. A hastily written comment or an unintended typo can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or misrepresentations. Similarly, if you’re managing a post and find a comment that’s offensive, misleading, or out of context, removing it helps maintain the integrity of your post and profile. It’s also about exercising control over your digital space – ensuring that the conversations under your posts align with your values and the image you want to portray.

At times, you might find yourself in a situation where you need to delete a comment – maybe it’s a typo in your comment, a change of mind, or an inappropriate remark left by someone else on your post. Whatever the reason, Instagram provides a straightforward way to handle these situations.

Let´s look at some types of comments that might be unwanted under certain circumstances. Below we show you the specific methods and steps required to delete a comment on Instagram or how to block Instagram comments based on predefined rules.

Spam Comments on Instagram 

Instagram spam comments are comments that are irrelevant, repetitive, or promotional in nature. They may contain links to external websites, products, or services that are not related to the post or the user. Spam comments may also use automated bots or fake accounts to generate more likes or followers. Spam comments can be annoying and distracting for users who want to see genuine and meaningful interactions on their posts. They can also lower the credibility and trustworthiness of the user who posts them.

Offensive Comments on Instagram

Offensive comments are comments that are rude, disrespectful, or insulting to the user or other people. They may contain profanity, slurs, threats, or personal attacks. Offensive comments may also target someone’s appearance, identity, beliefs, or preferences. Offensive comments can hurt the feelings and self-esteem of the user or other people who read them. They can also create a hostile and unwelcoming environment within your Instagram base of followers.

Hateful and Abusive Comments on Instagram

Hateful or abusive comments are comments that are intended to harm, harass, intimidate, or manipulate the user or other people. They may contain threats of violence, blackmail, extortion, stalking, or revenge. Abusive comments may also involve repeated or unwanted contact with the user or other people. Abusive comments can cause fear, anxiety, stress, or trauma for the user or other people who receive them. They can also escalate into more serious forms of online or offline abuse.

What You Need to Know Before Deleting Instagram Comments

Before diving into the steps of deleting an Instagram comment, it’s crucial to understand Instagram’s rules regarding comment management. You can delete your own comments on any post and any comments others leave on your posts. However, you cannot delete comments made by others on posts that you do not own. It’s also important to note that Instagram does not allow editing comments. If you need to correct a mistake, you’ll have to delete the comment and repost it.

How to Delete a Comment on Instagram on One of Your Posts

The following steps show how to delete Instagram comments individually that have been left for a specific post, whether if the comments arespam, inappropriate, or simply unwanted for other reasons.

  1. Tap your Instagram account profile picture to see your own posts
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon
  2. Select the post where you want to delete an Instagram comment
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Post
  3. Tap the conversation symbol to see the existing comments on the Instagram post
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Post - Comments
  4. Tap to select the Instagram comment you want to delete
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Post - Comments Icon - Coment
  5. Tap the trash bin button on the top right to delete the Instagram comment
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Post - Comments Icon - Coment - Delete
  6. When you delete a comment on Instagram, it will disappear from the conversation list, and you will see the message “Comment deleted”
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Post - Comments Icon - Coment - Delete - Deleted

How to Delete Comments on Instagram Written by Yourself

We’ve all been there – hastily typing out an Instagram comment, only to later spot a typo or realize it could be misinterpreted. This method focuses on how to delete comments you’ve written on others’ posts or your own. Whether it’s correcting a mistake, rephrasing your thoughts, or simply retracting a comment you no longer stand by, it will provide you with a clear and concise method to manage and control your contributions to conversations.

  1. Tap your profile picture to open the profile page
    Android - Instagram - Icon Profile
  2. Tap the menu button on the top right
    Android - Instagram - Profile - Menu
  3. Select “Your activity”
    Android - Instagram - Profile - Menu - Your Activity
  4. Select “Comments”
    Android - Instagram - Profile - Menu - Your Activity - Comments
  5. Filter your Instagram comments to find relevant conversations

  6. Tap “Select” on the top right

  7. Select the Instagram comments and tap “Delete”

  8. Confirm with “Delete”
    Android - Instagram - Profile - Menu - Your Activity - Comments - Select - Delete - Confirm
  9. Your comments have now been deleted and won´t show up again
    Android - Instagram - Profile - Menu - Your Activity - Comments - Select - Delete - Confirm

How to Block Comments on Instagram from Certain Users

Creating a safe and comfortable space on your Instagram profile sometimes requires more proactive measures. This method shows how you can block comments from specific users or filter out comments containing certain words. This feature is particularly useful for preventing harassment, avoiding spoilers, or keeping your comment section free from offensive language. By learning how to customize your comment settings, you can significantly enhance your control over the social interactions on your profile, ensuring a more positive and respectful engagement with your audience.

  1. Tap your Instagram profile picture to open the profile page
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon
  2. Tap the menu button on the top right
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu
  3. Select “Settings”
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings
  4. Select “Privacy”
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy
  5. Select “Comments”
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy - Comments
  6. Select which comment filter to set up

    Instagram offers two options “Allow Comments From” and “Block Comments From”.
    Allow Comments From: This option lets you control who is allowed to comment on your posts. It’s a proactive way to manage your digital space by limiting interactions to a selected audience.

    By customizing this setting, you can create a more controlled and comfortable environment, especially useful if you want to minimize spam or unwelcome comments from unknown users.
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy - Comments - Allow Comments

  7. Set up “Allow Comments From”

    Under this setting, you can choose from several options:

    • Everyone: This is the default setting, allowing anyone who can view your posts to comment.

    • People You Follow: Limits the ability to comment only to users you are following.

    • Your Followers: Only your followers can comment on your posts.

    • People You Follow and Your Followers: This setting restricts commenting privileges to users you follow and those who follow you, creating a more closed community of interactions.
      Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy - Comments - Allow Comments From

  8. Review “Block Comments From”
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy - Comments - Block Comments From
  9. Set up “Blocked Commenters”
    This feature offers a more targeted approach to comment management. It allows you to  specifically block certain users from commenting on any of your posts, using a search tool for finding their account.
    This is particularly useful if you encounter persistent negative interactions from specific individuals. When you block someone from commenting, they are not notified of this action, and while they can still see your posts and like them, they cannot add comments. This option is a valuable tool for dealing with harassment, trolling, or unwanted interactions from specific users without having to block them entirely from your profile.
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy - Comments - Block Comments From - Search

How to Block Comments on Instagram With Specific Words or Phrases

Instagram´s “Hidden Words” feature is a powerful tool designed to help users control their experience on the platform by managing unwanted interactions and reducing exposure to offensive or undesirable content, especially in direct messages (DMs) and comments. This feature allows users to filter out specific words, phrases, and even emojis that they don’t want to see in these interactions.

  1. Tap your Instagram profile picture to open the profile page
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon
  2. Tap the menu button on the top right
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu
  3. Select “Settings”
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings
  4. Select “Privacy”
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy
  5. Select “Hidden Words”
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy - Hidden Words
  6. Activate “Hide comments” and choose optional features if needed
    “Advanced Comment Filtering”
    is designed to automatically filter out comments that may be offensive or potentially harmful, even if they don’t contain specific words or phrases from your hidden words list. It uses Instagram’s algorithm to detect and hide such comments. You won’t see these comments unless you choose to view them. Some inappropriate comments might still get through, or some benign comments might be incorrectly hidden.
    “Hide Message Requests” is focused on your direct message (DM) interactions. It allows you to hide message requests containing specific words, phrases, or emojis that you’ve added to your hidden words list. When someone who you don’t follow sends you a message that contains any of the terms from your list, the message is automatically moved to a hidden message request folder. You won’t receive a notification for these messages, and they won’t appear in your regular message requests. You can still access these hidden message requests if you choose to. They are not deleted but are kept separate from your regular DM interactions.
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy - Hidden Words - Offensive
  7. Set up “Custom words and phrases”
    Setting up “Custom Words and Phrases” allows you to filter out specific words, phrases, and even emojis that you find offensive or irrelevant. 
    In “Manage custom words and phrases” you can define which words or phrases should be used to filter out comments.
    With the switches below, you can separately choose if this list will be used to “Hide comments”, to “Hide message requests”, or both.
    Android - Instagram App - Profile Icon - Menu - Settings - Privacy - Hidden Words - Custom

How to Mute Someone on Instagram

Whether it’s friends, family, or co-workers, you don’t have to like every post they make on Instagram. You can mute people on Instagram when you’re tired of seeing their posts appear on your feed. Muting doesn’t remove them from your friend list (and they won’t be notified), so it’s an excellent alternative to unfriending or blocking. In our other guide we show in detail how to mute someone on Instagram and what else you need to know about this feature.
Featured - how to mute someone on instagram

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Managing Instagram Comments

How can I prevent someone from commenting without blocking them?

To prevent specific users from commenting on your posts without blocking their profiles, navigate to your Instagram profile, tap the menu icon, then go to “Settings” > “Privacy” > “Comments.” Use the “Block Comments From” option to search for and select the users whose comments you want to restrict. This action is discreet; the blocked users are not notified and can still view your posts and like them, but they cannot leave comments.

Can I temporarily hide all comments on a post to review them later?

Instagram does not directly offer a feature to temporarily hide all comments for later review. However, you can disable comments on a post to prevent new comments and then re-enable them when ready. To do this, tap the three dots above your post and select “Turn Off Commenting.” To re-enable, follow the same steps and choose “Turn On Commenting.” Note that this does not hide existing comments but stops new ones during the period comments are disabled.

Is it possible to customize the “Advanced Comment Filtering” to suit my preferences?

The “Advanced Comment Filtering” feature is designed by Instagram to automatically filter comments that may be offensive or inappropriate based on Instagram’s algorithms. While this feature cannot be customized to individual preferences, you can enhance comment filtering by adding specific words or phrases to your “Hidden Words” list under “Settings” > “Privacy” > “Hidden Words.” This allows for a personalized approach to filtering beyond the automatic system.

How effective is the “Hidden Words” feature in filtering out negative comments?

The “Hidden Words” feature can significantly reduce the visibility of comments containing specific words, phrases, or emojis that you deem offensive or irrelevant. Its effectiveness depends on the comprehensiveness of your list. While it greatly reduces unwanted interactions, it may not catch every inappropriate comment, and occasionally, benign comments containing listed words might be hidden. Regularly updating your list based on the comments you receive can improve its effectiveness.

What should I do if I see a comment that violates Instagram’s Community Guidelines?

If you encounter a comment that violates Instagram’s Community Guidelines, press and hold the comment, then select “Report this comment.” Choose the reason that best describes the violation. Instagram reviews reported comments to determine if they breach community standards and will take appropriate action, which may include removing the comment or taking action against the offending account.

Can I make my comment filters apply only to new posts instead of retroactively?

Comment filters and settings on Instagram are applied globally to your account, affecting both new and existing posts. There isn’t an option to apply filters only to future posts. If you wish to manage comments on older posts differently, you’ll need to manually review and manage those comments individually.

How do I manage comments on a business account differently than on a personal account?

Managing comments on a business account follows the same technical steps as on a personal account. However, businesses often adopt a more strategic approach to comment management to maintain their brand image. This might include more proactive comment moderation, using comment filters to prevent spam and offensive language, and engaging with customers by responding to queries and feedback in the comments. Regular monitoring and engagement are key to maintaining a positive community around your brand.

Is there a way to see a log of comments I’ve deleted?

Once a comment is deleted on Instagram, there is no feature within the app to view a log or history of deleted comments. It’s recommended to take a screenshot or keep a record of important comments before deletion if you anticipate needing this information later for reference or documentation purposes.

Can I filter comments based on user engagement, like only allowing comments from users who frequently interact with my posts?

Instagram’s comment filtering options are not based on engagement levels but rather on user relationships (such as followers and people you follow) and specific words or phrases. To manage interactions based on engagement, you would manually monitor and manage comments. Tools like “Allow Comments From” can help create a more controlled environment by limiting who can comment to users you have a direct connection with.

How do I address a situation where my comments are being unfairly hidden or blocked by someone else’s filters?

If you suspect your comments are being unfairly hidden or blocked due to someone’s filters, the best approach is to reach out to the individual directly via a private message to discuss the issue. Respectfully explain your concern; however, remember that users have the right to manage their digital spaces as they see fit. If direct communication is not effective or appropriate, consider reviewing your comment content to ensure it’s respectful and aligns with community guidelines.

Is it possible to export a list of my blocked commenters or hidden words for backup?

Instagram does not provide a feature to export your lists of blocked commenters or hidden words directly from the app. If you need a backup, you could manually transcribe this information into a document. Keeping an external record can be useful for maintaining consistent moderation standards or setting up similar filters across different platforms or accounts.

Can I filter comments based on sentiment, like automatically hiding negative comments?

Instagram’s automatic “Advanced Comment Filtering” aims to detect and hide potentially offensive or harmful comments, which may include negative sentiments. However, there is no explicit sentiment analysis feature that allows users to filter comments solely based on their positive or negative nature. Your best bet for managing negative sentiment is to use the custom “Hidden Words” feature to block commonly used negative words or phrases.

How do I deal with a comment that might be spam but isn’t clearly promotional or irrelevant?

For comments that seem like spam but aren’t overtly promotional, consider the context and your account’s engagement. If the comment is suspicious or doesn’t add value, you can manually delete it. If it seems like part of a broader spam issue (like comments from bot accounts), reporting the comment as spam helps Instagram improve its spam detection algorithms. Regularly updating your “Hidden Words” list can also help filter out subtle spam.

What happens to direct messages that contain filtered words or phrases?

Direct messages containing your specified filtered words or phrases are automatically moved to a hidden message request folder. You won’t receive notifications for these messages, and they won’t appear in your regular inbox. You can review these hidden requests at any time by navigating to your message requests and selecting the “Hidden requests” option. This allows you to keep your direct message interactions relevant and free from unwanted content.

Can the “Allow Comments From” setting be used to create a private comment section for close friends only?

Yes, the “Allow Comments From” setting can effectively create a more private comment section by restricting who can comment on your posts. By selecting “People You Follow” and ensuring you only follow your close friends, you can limit the comment functionality to a smaller, more intimate group. This is a useful strategy for maintaining privacy and fostering meaningful interactions among a select group of Instagram users.

Extra: How to See the Posts You’ve Liked on Instagram

Likes are one of the most important features of Instagram. They can help you grow your account, discover more content, and learn more about yourself. But they can also have some drawbacks if you are not careful or mindful of what you like. That’s why you should know how likes work on Instagram, what they mean for the content you will see, and why you might want to check which Instagram posts you have liked.
Featured - how to see posts you've liked on instagram

Extra: How to Delete / Unsend Instagram Messages

As your Instagram network grows, so too does the number of conversations. When your inbox becomes a cluttered mess of messages from various people and groups, it can be difficult to focus on the important ones. By deleting irrelevant or unimportant Instagram conversations, you can keep your messages organized and tidy, making your Instagram experience smoother and more enjoyable. Check out our other guide to learn how to do this.
Android - Instagram App - Messages Icon - Message - Press & Hold on Message - Unsend Message

Last Updated on November 7, 2024 10:16 pm CET

Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus has been covering the tech industry for more than 15 years. He is holding a Master´s degree in International Economics and is the founder and managing editor of

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