How to Make a Discord Server

We explain what Discord servers are, how to create and join Discord servers, and some tips for managing and moderating them.

Discord is a popular platform for online communication, especially for gamers and communities. One of the features that makes Discord stand out is the ability to create and join Discord servers, which are essentially groups of channels where people can chat, voice call, stream, and share media. In this blog post, we will explain what Discord servers are, how to create and join them, and some tips for managing and moderating them.

What Is a Discord Server?

A Discord server is a collection of channels that are organized by topics, categories, or roles. A channel is a place where you can send messages, images, videos, links, and other content to other members of the server. There are two types of channels: text and voice. Text channels are for typing and reading messages, while voice channels are for talking and listening to others. You can also create stage channels, which are like voice channels but with speakers and listeners roles, or video channels, which are like voice channels but with video streaming.
A Discord server can have up to 500 channels, and each channel can have up to 2000 members. You can also create sub-channels within a category, which are like folders that group related channels together. For example, you can have a category for gaming and sub-channels for different games or genres.
A Discord server can also have roles, which are labels that you can assign to members to give them permissions or access to certain channels. For example, you can have a role for admins, moderators, members, guests, etc. You can also customize the color and name of each role, and assign them to members manually or automatically.

How to create and join Discord servers?

To create a Discord server, you need to have a Discord account and the Discord app installed on your device. Alternatively, you can also use the Discord web app. You can download the app for free from the official website or the app store. Once you have the app or are logged in on Discord web, you can follow the steps below to create a Discord server.
To join a Discord server, you need to have an invite link or code from someone who is already in the server. You can also browse public servers on the Discord website or app. Once you have an invite link or code, you can join the Discord server.
Some Discord Server Ideas to get started

If you are new to Discord and want to create your own server, you might be wondering what kind of server to make. There are many possibilities, but here are some ideas to get you started:

  • A Discord gaming server: This is one of the most popular types of servers on Discord. You can create a server for your favorite game, genre, platform, or community. You can use the server to find other players, chat about the game, share tips and tricks, organize events, and more. You can also use bots to enhance your server with features like game stats, music, moderation, and more.
  • A Discord hobby server: If you have a passion for something, chances are there are others who share it. You can create a server for your hobby, whether it’s art, music, writing, photography, cooking, gardening, or anything else. You can use the server to showcase your work, get feedback, learn from others, find resources, and more. You can also use bots to add fun and useful features to your server, like quizzes, polls, trivia, and more.
  • A Discord fandom server: If you are a fan of a certain book, movie, show, comic, or anything else, you can create a server for your fandom. You can use the server to discuss the latest news, theories, fan art, fan fiction, memes, and more. You can also use bots to add features like roleplay, trivia, games, and more.
  • A Discord study server: If you are a student or a learner, you can create a server for your study goals. You can use the server to find study buddies, share notes and resources, ask questions, get help, motivate each other, and more. You can also use bots to add features like timers, reminders, flashcards, quizzes, and more.
  • A Discord social server: If you want to make some friends and have fun conversations, you can create a social server. You can use the server to chat about anything you like, from casual topics to deep discussions. You can also use bots to add features like games, music, memes, jokes, and more.

Good Discord Server Names

Choosing a good name for your Discord server is important for attracting and retaining members. Here are some tips to help you pick a name that suits your server’s purpose and personality:
  • Use keywords that describe your server’s topic, theme, or niche. For example, if your server is about gaming, you could use words like “gamer”, “gaming”, “play”, or the name of a specific game or genre.
  • Avoid names that are too generic, vague, or long. For example, “The Server” or “Discord Community” are not very memorable or appealing. Try to keep your name short and catchy, preferably no more than three words.
  • Check if the name is already taken by another server. You can use a tool like to search for existing servers by name or category. If the name is taken, you might want to modify it slightly or come up with a different one.
  • Be creative and have fun with your name. You can use puns, jokes, references, emojis, or symbols to make your name stand out and reflect your server’s tone and culture. For example, “Discord & Dragons” or “🎮Game On🎮” are some examples of creative names for gaming servers.

Tips for managing and moderating Discord servers

Creating and joining Discord servers is easy, but managing and moderating them can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you run a successful and safe Discord server:
  • Use Discord bots: Bots are automated programs that can perform various tasks on your server, such as moderating chat, playing music, sending announcements, etc. You can find and add bots from various websites or platforms, such as or
  • Set Discord server rules: Rules are guidelines that you want your members to follow on your server. They can help prevent spam, harassment, abuse, or other unwanted behavior. You can create a channel dedicated to rules and pin them there for easy access. You can also use bots to enforce rules automatically or warn users who break them.
  • Assign roles: Roles are useful for organizing your members and giving them permissions or access to certain channels. You can create roles based on their function (e.g., admin, moderator), their status (e.g., member, guest), their interest (e.g., gamer, anime fan), etc. You can also use bots to assign roles automatically based on criteria such as activity level, verification status, etc.
  • Create categories: Categories are helpful for grouping related channels together and making your server more organized and user-friendly. You can create categories based on topics (e.g., gaming, music), types (e.g., text, voice), levels (e.g., beginner, expert), etc. You can also use bots to create categories automatically based on keywords or hashtags.
  • Engage your community: Community is the heart of any Discord server. You want your members to feel welcome, valued, and engaged on your server. You can do this by creating fun and interactive channels (e.g., memes, polls), hosting events (e.g., games, quizzes), rewarding members (e.g., badges, roles), and communicating with them (e.g., feedback, announcements).

These are just some ideas you can use to create your Discord server. Of course, you can also mix and match different themes and features to make your server unique and exciting. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy your Discord experience!

How to Make a Discord Server Using the Web App

One of the advantages of Discord is that you can use it in a web browser, without having to download or install any software. This can be convenient if you are using a public or shared computer, or if you have limited storage space on your device.
  1. Go to and click “Open Discord in your browser”
    Windows 11 - - Open Discord in Your Browser
  2. Enter your Discord username and click on the button to log in
    Windows 11 - - Username
  3. You will have to pass a Captcha test to prove you are not a bot
    Windows 11 - - Username - hCaptcha
  4. If you log into Discord the first time, you also have to enter your birthdate
    Windows 11 - - Username - hCaptcha - Birth - Next
  5. Click on “Create My Own” or one of the presets to create a Discord server
    Windows 11 - - Username - hCaptcha - Birth - Create My Own
  6. Select “For a club or community” or “For me and my friends”
    When you create a server on Discord, you can choose between “For a club or community” or “For me and my friends”. The main difference is that the first option creates a public server that anyone can join, while the second option creates a private server that only you and your invited friends can access. Public servers are good for building large communities around a common interest or topic, while private servers are good for chatting with your close friends or family.
    Windows 11 - - Username - hCaptcha - Birth - Create My Own - For a Club or Community
  7. Select your Discord server name and click “Create”
    Windows 11 - - Username - hCaptcha - Birth - Create My Own - For a Club or Community - Pic - Name - Create
  8. Select a “Topic” for your server and click “Done”
    Windows 11 - - Username - hCaptcha - Birth - Create My Own - For a Club or Community - Pic - Name - Create - Topic - Done
  9. After creating your Discord server, click “Take me to my server!”
    Windows 11 - - Username - hCaptcha - Birth - Create My Own - For a Club or Community - Pic - Name - Create - Topic - Done - My Server
  10. You will have to log into your Discord account and then will be directed to your new Discord server
    Windows 11 - - My Server - Email - Pass - Claim Account

How to Make a Discord Server Using Discord Desktop App

  1. Go to and Download and install the Discord client if you don´t have it yet
    Windows 11 - - Download for Windows

  2. Log into your Discord account
    Windows 11 - Discord - Login
  3. You will have to pass a Captcha test to prove you are not a bot
    Windows 11 - Discord - Login - hCaptcha
  4. If you don´t have a Discord account you can create one via “Register”
    Windows 11 - Discord - Register

  5. Once logged in, click the + button to create a Discord server
    Windows 11 - Discord - Register - Create an Account - Email Verified - Continue - Create Your Own Server

How to Make a Discord Server on Android

  1. Log into Discord or click Register to create a new Discord account first
    Android - Discord - Login
  2. In the Discord app, tap the menu button to show the sidebar
    Android - Discord App - Menu
  3. Click the + button to create a Discord server
    Android - Discord App - Menu - Add
  4. Select “Create My Own” or one of the presets
    Android - Discord App - Menu - Add - Crate My Own
  5. Select “For me and my friends”
    Android - Discord App - Menu - Add - Crate My Own - For Me and My Friends
  6. Choose a name for your Discord server and click “Create Server”
    You can upload a Discord server logo if you have one.
    Android - Discord App - Menu - Add - Crate My Own - For Me and My Friends - Create Server
  7. Choose a topic for your Discord server and click “Take me to my server!”
    Android - Discord App - Menu - Add - Crate My Own - For Me and My Friends - Create Server - Topic
  8. Select your server on the left and click “Invite Members” if you want to do that
    Below you can also create your Discord server channels. “Text Channels” are for chatting and “Voice Channels” are meant for voice conversations.
    Android - Discord App - Menu - Add - Crate My Own - For Me and My Friends - Create Server - Topic - Invite Members
  9. When inviting new members to your Discord server, you will get an invite link

    You can share this link with everyone you want to invite to join your Discord server.
    Android - Discord App - Menu - Add - Crate My Own - For Me and My Friends - Create Server - Topic - Invite Members - Share Link

Related: How to Add Bots to Discord Servers

Discord bots are automated programs that can perform various tasks within the platform, such as playing music, moderating chat, and providing information. These bots can be added to a Discord server by the server owner or members with the necessary permissions. Unlike other computer programs such as web browsers, WhatsApp, or office applications, Discord bots are specifically designed to run on Discord servers. Adding a Discord bot to your server is simple. Just follow our other guide to learn how to add bots to a Discord server.
Featured - how to add bots to discord

Related: How to Find Discord Servers to Join

Finding Discord servers can be a fun and rewarding experience, as you can discover new communities and make new friends online. In our other guide, we show you how to use Discord Server Search efficiently and which are the best external websites or apps that list and rank Discord servers.
Featured - how to find discord servers

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Making Discord Servers

How can I assign or change roles for members in my Discord server?

To manage roles, navigate to your server and right-click on the member you wish to assign roles to. Choose “Roles” from the context menu, and you’ll see a list of available roles on your server. Check the box next to the role(s) you want to assign to the member. To change or remove roles, simply uncheck the roles previously assigned. Remember, you can only manage roles below your highest role in the server hierarchy and you need the necessary permissions to manage roles.

Can I recover a deleted Discord server?

Unfortunately, once a Discord server is deleted, it is permanently removed and cannot be recovered. This action is irreversible, so it’s crucial to be absolutely sure before proceeding with deletion. If you’re considering deleting a server due to management or activity issues, you might want to explore transferring ownership or revamping the server instead.

How do I set up an auto-moderation system in my Discord server?

Auto-moderation can greatly enhance the management of your server by automatically dealing with spam, inappropriate content, and more. To set this up, you can use bots like Dyno, MEE6, or Carl-bot. These bots have various features for auto-moderation, including keyword filtering, spam protection, and link checking. After adding a bot to your server, configure its settings according to your needs, typically through a web dashboard provided by the bot service.

What is the best way to promote my Discord server to attract more members?

Promoting your Discord server effectively involves multiple strategies. Share your server on social media platforms, relevant forums, and Discord server directories like or Engaging in communities with similar interests and offering unique, value-added content or events in your server can also attract members. Remember to use engaging descriptions and clear rules to make a good first impression.

How can I create a welcome message for new members?

A warm welcome message can be set up using bots like MEE6 or Welcome Bot, which automatically send a message when new users join. You can also create a dedicated welcome channel where you pin a custom welcome message, including server rules, roles, and helpful information to guide new members. Personalizing welcome messages or creating an automated system that tags new members in a welcome post can make them feel more included.

Is it possible to stream movies or games directly in a Discord server?

Discord allows users to “Go Live” and stream games or share their screens in voice channels, making it possible to watch movies or play games together. However, it’s crucial to ensure that any content shared complies with copyright laws and Discord’s Community Guidelines. For movies, consider using legal streaming services and ensure all viewers have access to the content to avoid copyright infringement.

How do I create a voting poll in a Discord server?

Creating voting polls can be as simple as asking a question in a channel and using emoji reactions as votes. For more structured polls, bots like Simple Poll or Poll Bot can be added to your server. These bots allow you to create multiple-choice polls, timed polls, and anonymous polls through simple commands, enhancing engagement and decision-making within your server.

Can I integrate Discord with other platforms or services?

Discord offers integrations with platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Spotify, allowing for notifications, content sharing, and rich presence updates. To set up integrations, go to your server settings, select “Integrations,” and choose the service you want to integrate. These integrations can enhance the community experience by linking content and activities across platforms.

How do I handle server disputes or conflicts between members?

Handling disputes requires a balanced approach. First, encourage members to resolve minor issues among themselves. For more serious conflicts, intervene by discussing the issue privately with the involved parties, emphasizing the server rules and the importance of respectful communication. Consider implementing a structured conflict resolution process, such as mediation by a neutral moderator, and ensure your server rules clearly outline the consequences of disruptive behavior.

What are some essential tips for creating engaging content in my Discord server?

To keep your server engaging, regularly post updates, news, or interesting content related to your server’s theme. Organize events like game nights, Q&A sessions, or competitions to foster community interaction. Encourage user-generated content by creating channels for members to share their own work, stories, or experiences. Utilize bots to add interactive features like trivia, music quizzes, or mini-games, and ensure there’s a good balance of content that caters to the diverse interests of your community.

Can I change the region of my Discord server for better voice quality?

Yes, changing the server region can improve voice communication quality. Go to your server settings, click on “Overview,” and find the “Server Region” option. Select a region closer to the majority of your server members. This feature is particularly useful if your server members are spread out globally and experience latency or poor voice quality.

How do I make use of Discord’s Stage Channels?

Stage Channels are perfect for hosting large-scale voice events like seminars, Q&A sessions, or performances. Create a Stage Channel from your server settings, and manage permissions to designate who can be speakers and who are listeners. During an event, speakers can share their audio, and listeners can be invited to speak, facilitating a controlled yet interactive environment.

What’s the best way to structure my Discord server for clarity and ease of use?

A well-structured server is key to user engagement and retention. Organize your channels into categories based on themes or purposes, such as “General,” “Games,” “Events,” etc. Use clear, descriptive names for each channel, and consider using channel topics or pinned messages to further clarify their purpose. Regularly review and adjust your server’s structure based on member feedback and activity levels to ensure it remains intuitive and user-friendly.

How can I add custom games or activities to my Discord server?

Enhancing your server with custom games or activities can be achieved through the addition of game-oriented bots like Pokécord (for Pokémon-themed activities) or MafiaBot (for playing Mafia). These bots integrate directly into your server and provide a range of interactive and engaging games that members can participate in directly through chat commands.

What are Discord Nitro and Nitro Classic, and how do they affect my server?

Discord Nitro and Nitro Classic are premium subscription services that offer users enhanced features like higher-quality video, more emoji slots, larger file upload limits, and server boosts. Server boosts improve your server’s visibility and unlock additional perks like more custom emoji slots, better audio quality, and increased upload limits for all members. Nitro subscribers can also gift server boosts, further enhancing the server’s features and community experience.

Last Updated on November 7, 2024 10:25 pm CET

Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus has been covering the tech industry for more than 15 years. He is holding a Master´s degree in International Economics and is the founder and managing editor of

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