Microsoft Authenticator will soon no longer be available on the Apple Watch. According to official documentation from Microsoft, the service will be discontinued because of compatibility issues related to Apple security features on watchOS.
The company says Microsoft Authenticator will stop being available starting in January 2023. That means Apple Watch users will not be able to install the app or use its features. Microsoft is clear that this decision is specific to watchOS and does not affect the app on iOS, or indeed any other platform.
Microsoft typically releases a companion update for watchOS alongside its updates for the iOS app. However, in January the companion update will stop. The company is urging users to delete the app on their Apple Watch:
“In the upcoming Authenticator release in January 2023 for iOS, there will be no companion app for watchOS due to it being incompatible with Authenticator security features. This means you won't be able to install or use Authenticator on Apple Watch. We therefore recommend that you delete Authenticator from your Apple Watch. This change only impacts Apple Watch, so you will still be able to use Authenticator on your other devices.”
Microsoft launched its Authenticator app back in 2016. The service provides native multi-factor authentication on devices when accessing a Microsoft Account. Since the launch, numerous features have been added, including a phone sign-in ability, fingerprint support, password free login, and Apple Watch support.
In October, Microsoft brought new security features to the service. Specifically, Microsoft brought autofill support for payments and addresses, while also rolling out auto-generator for stronger passwords.
Tip of the day: With many reachable wireless access points popping up and disappearing again, the available networks list can become quite annoying. If needed you can use the allowed and blocked filter list of Windows to block certain WiFi networks or all unknown WiFi networks.