How to Write an Essay for Admission?

This article was contributed by Victoria Noble who works as a content writer in Writance.

If you want to study at a university or participate in a scholarship grant competition, you have probably already thought about the question: “how to write an essay for admission?”

An essay is not an easy task and has its peculiarities. This article will help you understand everything so that admission to the desired university is easy and successful!

How to write a motivation essay: text structure

What is a motivation essay? This is an essay of no more than one page in A4 format, in which you need to clearly explain: why you want to study at this university and for what reasons it is worth choosing your candidacy. The explanation should be as convincing and unique as possible to interest the admission committee. A motivation essay is not a school essay with much “water” or self-praise. It’s not easy to clear everything up to such a structure. So if you feel like you need some help at any point of the task – find some services like writance to structure your ideas and thoughts or to get your text done. 


In the first paragraph, describe the reason for your application to the university, with what intention, and why you want to enter this specialty. Perhaps you have an interesting story related to your decision.

For example, do not write that you chose psychology just because you like it. Write that you like to communicate and help people who want to learn how to provide qualified psychological assistance, not just give advice. Find significant reasons for yourself.


In this paragraph, you need to explain the tasks you set for yourself. What will the achievement of these goals bring in the future? What skills acquired during your studies will help you? Be specific because you are writing a motivation letter to the university, not just an essay.


Tell us about the advantages of the university that you are interested in. How does this institution, in your opinion, differ from others? What attracts you? Maybe you want to study with specific teachers?

Perhaps you like the chosen country and admire the standard of living and diligence of residents or, on the contrary, are dissatisfied with education in your home country.

Be sure to write how this university can help you achieve your goals. Just do not rewrite the offers from the university website!


Perhaps you were engaged in volunteering in the relevant field, studied at courses, participated in important events, and practiced. Describe worthy examples in your motivation letter.


What necessary qualities for this specialty do you have? Before writing a motivation essay, you should think about it carefully. You do not need to register everything at once. It is enough to highlight a few essential characteristics that affect the effectiveness of learning—for example, punctuality, sociability, independence, etc.

It is essential to confirm these qualities by your actions: prizes in thematic competitions, Olympiads, participation in various forums, startups, publications of your works, etc.

So, how to write a motivational essay correctly, concisely, confidently, without unnecessary boasting, and with an emphasis on facts and achievements.

The main mistakes and how to avoid them

For your motivation essay for admission to the university to bring a positive result, you need to carefully check it several times after writing it. Make sure that you have not made the mistakes described below.

Inconsistency with the official style – the presence of slang, inappropriate phrases

Too long sentences. Remember one thought – one thesis. Do not turn a line into a whole paragraph. Be concise! In addition, simple sentences are perceived easier. The best option is to alternate longer phrases with short ones.

Listing your achievements of advantages in one long list. This is not the way to do it. It is necessary to write a motivation letter qualitatively. Confirm everything with facts, and describe the experience and knowledge gained.

Too much “I” and unreasonable boasting.

Let us repeat: the more specifics – the better. What is more convincing: “I am good, choose me” or “my article appeared in a scientific journal”? The admission committee constantly evaluates prospects, not the ability to choose synonyms.

Grammatical and spelling mistakes. In addition, after writing a motivation letter to a foreign university, we recommend you let a teacher or an expert who knows the required foreign language read it. It is worth checking your essay for the slightest inaccuracies to correct them and be 100% sure. Using the Grammarly service, you can also learn how to write a motivation letter. This service not only highlights mistakes but also provides correct options.

Do not copy other people’s work. Be original and unique. Provide only accurate and factual information about you.

Let’s summarize

How to write a motivation letter to the university: honestly, uniquely, concisely, without “water,” as confidently and clearly as possible. Do not be lazy to check and revise it several times. Ask someone to help edit it. Bring your essay to your ideal.

About the author

Victoria Noble is a content writer in Writance – a young startup that helps students in academic writing. She focuses on systematic education problems as a process and analysis of student behavior. She’s willing to discover possibilities to use technologies in studying that can ease the process for students and professors. Victoria contributes to different educational platforms and writes analytical articles for various sources that cover students’ writing processes.

Last Updated on October 6, 2022 11:37 am CEST

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