Twitter May Give Users Power to Review/Edit Tweets with Offensive Content

Twitter is testing an interesting new feature that will allow tweet authors to review and edit replies to remove offensive content.

Twitter is a cesspit. Hardly a controversial statement as most users understand what the platform is. However, the problem is Twitter is also incredibly useful and powerful. It is challenging to reconcile that usefulness alongside the unending sea of dreck. In fact, Twitter often faces heat from governments, regulators, and civil rights groups over allowing offensive tweets.

In a major move, the company may be looking at ways to allow users to participate in combatting abusive/offensive content. Leaker Mukul Sharma says the micro-blogging giant is developing a feature that urges users to review replies that may contain offensive/abusive language.

There will be an edit button that will allow users to remove such content. Of course, this does not mean every user will be allowed free reign over the Twitterverse, and able to review and delete/edit content at will.

Instead, the actions will be available for replies to tweets. In other words, users will become moderators of the reply chains that follow their tweets. This feature is not available yet, but it is currently being tested.

It is thought the tool will alert users when a reply to one of their tweets contains offensive, bullying, or any other kind of inappropriate language. Users will also be able to respond to Twitter if they think the content is not offensive.


Twitter is also known to be testing an edit button, giving authors of tweets the ability to fix their errors or change their content. Yes, a giant platform that relies solely on the power of the word does not currently have an edit button.

Either way, I will chalk these two upcoming features as small wins for Twitter.

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Luke Jones
Luke Jones
Luke has been writing about Microsoft and the wider tech industry for over 10 years. With a degree in creative and professional writing, Luke looks for the interesting spin when covering AI, Windows, Xbox, and more.

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