HomeWinBuzzer TipsHow to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10

How to Disable Startup Delay for Autostart Programs in Windows 10


When you boot Windows 10 it delays the launch of startup programs for ten seconds so your desktop and Windows services will have finished loading. This gives Windows 10 enough time to load all core features into memory and also to finishe certain system tasks before those autostart programs begin draining system resources.

“Startupdelayinmsec” in the Windows 10 Registry

If needed, you can reduce or disable the delay of of startup programs via “Regedit” in the Windows 10 registry by editing the DWORD “Startupdelayinmsec”.

We show you where you can find Startupdelayinmsec to reduce or turn off the autostart programs delay comletely. It you just want to quickly disable startup delay or re-enabling it without regedit, you can use the download based method at the end.

How to Change or Disable Startup Programs Delay

This way of editing the DWORD “Startupdelayinmsec” allows for reducing the standard delay for startup programs in Windows 10 to fewer seconds or turning it off manually.

  1. Run “regedit” via Windows search or after hitting “Windows + R” 

    Windows 10 - Open Registry Editor Regedit

  2. Create DWORD “Startupdelayinmsec” if missing

    Navigate to the following location, right-click and select “New – DWORD (32-bit) Value”:


    Windows 10 - Registry Editor - Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Serialize - New DWORD

  3. Edit “Startupdelayinmsec” to reduce or disable startup delay

    Double-click “Startupdelayinmsec” and enter in “Value data” the number of seconds you want to change the startup delay for autostart programs. If you choose “0” startup delay will be completely turned off.

    Windows 10 - Registry Editor - Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Serialize - Startupdelayinmsec - Disable


How to Enable or Disable Startup Delay via Double-Click using a .REG-file

We have prepared you two zipped .REG-files which you can use to add or remove the DWORD “Startupdelayinmsec” in the Windows 10 registry via double-click.

  1. Download and extract Enable_Disable-Startup-Delay-Registry-Hack.zip

    Windows 10 - File Explorer - Extract ZIP

  2. Double click the corresponding .reg-file to enable or disable startup programs delay

  3. Confirm the regedit warning

  4. Close the confirmation message

How to Free up RAM and Optimize Windows 10 Virtual Memory

If you care about Windows 10 system performance you might also want to learn how to free up RAM in Windows 10 and how to create your own little RAM Cleaner. Also manually optimizing Windows 10 virtual memory management via pagefiles might help to speed up your PC.


Last Updated on August 27, 2021 3:50 pm CEST

Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus has been covering the tech industry for more than 15 years. He is holding a Master´s degree in International Economics and is the founder and managing editor of Winbuzzer.com.

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