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Windows 10: How to Use OneDrive or TeamViewer to Fetch Files from a Remote PC

We show you how to use OneDrive's fetch files feature or TeamViewer File Transfer to download any file from a remote PC, even if it hasn't been synced to the cloud.


These days, USB drives are pretty much a thing of the past. OneDrive’s fetch files feature is one reason for this, letting users automatically grab files from a remote PC and resume working on them with no down-time.

This feature works on Windows 10 and Windows 7, but not 8.1, Microsoft’s older OSes, or Mac. It’s particularly useful if you’re work from home a couple of times a week or often switch between a laptop.

OneDrive fetch differs from regular OneDrive sync in that it lets you grab any file on your PC. It doesn’t need to be in your OneDrive, Documents, Pictures, or Desktop folder – it can be in Program Files or any random directory. All OneDrive fetch files requires is for the other PC to be powered on and signed into the same account.

Alternative to OneDrive Fetch Files: Teamviewer

Unfortunately, Microsoft plans to discontinue OneDrive fetch files for PC on July 31, 2020. That gives you just over a month to make use of this rather useful feature. But there are other options available.

If you want to continute to remoteley access all files without uploading them to the cloud, you can use TeamViewer as a free replacement for the OneDrive Fetch Files Feature.

You will also still be able to fetch files from a PC the long way – by syncing files to OneDrive first and accessing them from the web browser – or you can automatically sync files directly between all of your PCs using OneDrive.

How to activate OneDrive Fetch Files for Single Devices

  1. Open OneDrive settings

    Open OneDrive via the icon in your system tray and click “Help & Settings”, then “Settings”.

    Windows 10 - OneDrive - Open Settings.jpg

  2. Tick “Let me use OneDrive to fetch any of my files on this PC”

    Windows 10 - OneDrive - Settings - Let me use OneDrive to fetch any of my files on this PC

How to Use OneDrive Fetch Files to Access Files on a Remote PC

  1. Visit OneDrive web

    Open OneDrive in your browser of choice by clicking this link. In the left hand “PCs” pane, click your device name.

    OneDrive Web-App - PCs

  2. Click “Sign in with a security code”

    OneDrive Web-App - PCs - Select PC and Sign in with a security code

  3. Verify your identity

    Verify your identity via email, text message, or phone number by following Microsoft’s instructions.

    OneDrive Web-App - PCs - Select PC and Sign in with a security code - Verify Identity

  4. Browse your files

    In the main OneDrive tab, click your device again and browse files on your entire PC as you normally would. You can click “Download” to fetch the files to your PC, or “Upload to OneDrive” to make them available in your cloud storage.

    OneDrive Web-App - PCs - Access Local Folders and Files

How to Use TeamViewer to Fetch Files from a Remote PC

TeamViewer allows remote control of PCs similar to Remote Desktop. You can manage all your devices via a TeamViewer Account and transfer files between local and remote PCs even more comfortable than via OneDrive.

  1. Setup TeamViewer with a TeamViewer account on both the local and remote PC

  2. Start TeamViewer File Transfer on your local PC

    Right click the name of the remote PC and select “File transfer”.

    Windows 10 - Teamviewer - Access Online PC - Start File Transfer

  3. Transfer Files between local and remote PC

    In a split window you can select folders and files on your local and remote PC and pull or push files from or to the other PC via “Send” or “Receive”.

Windows 10 - Teamviewer - Access Online PC - File Transfer

Ryan Maskell
Ryan Maskellhttps://ryanmaskell.co.uk
Ryan has had a passion for gaming and technology since early childhood. Fusing the skills from his Creative Writing and Publishing degree with profound technical knowledge, he enjoys covering news about Microsoft. As an avid writer, he is also working on his debut novel.

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