Mozilla Allows Firefox 72 Users to Delete Telemetry Data

To comply with CCPA, Mozilla is adding an ability in Firefox 72 that allows users to request their telemetry data be deleted.

Mozilla’s popular Firefox web browser is about to receive a new feature that will allow users to delete telemetry data. The new ability will be part of Firefox 72, which will make its debut on Jan. 7.

For the first time on Firefox, users can ask Mozilla to delete telemetry data. It seems the introduction of the tool is to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). While CCPA is a law for a single state, it is having wider implications across tech.

Companies are changing products and services to comply with CCPA, thus changing them gloabally. In terms of Firefox 72, Mozilla says the feature will improve security.

“We’ve decided to go the extra mile and expand user deletion rights to incuding this telematry data in our systems.” Mozilla says in its Open Policy & Advocay blog.


It is worth noting the telemetry Firefox gathers is not personal information from users. Instead, the browser takes technical data to help with performance and manage bugs. For example, the information will include how long you browse for, how many tabs you use. Importantly, it does not show your browser history.

When Firefox 72 arrives next week, here’s how you can request your telemetry data be deleted:

  • Open the browser menu and select Options
  • Head to Privacy and Security and then choose Firefox Data Collection
  • Select Use
  • Uncheck the option “Allow Firefox to send technical and interaction data to Mozilla”.

Firstly, a ping with your use information will be sent to Mozilla and the company will delete the data. Firefox will notify you with a message that reads “You’re no longer allowing Mozilla to capture technical and  interaction data.All Past data will be deleted within 30 days.”

Luke Jones
Luke Jones
Luke has been writing about Microsoft and the wider tech industry for over 10 years. With a degree in creative and professional writing, Luke looks for the interesting spin when covering AI, Windows, Xbox, and more.

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