HomeWinBuzzer NewsWindows 7 Cumulative Update is Blocking SMBv2 Shares Access

Windows 7 Cumulative Update is Blocking SMBv2 Shares Access

Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday cumulative release for Windows 7 has caused issues for users, blocking access to SMBv2 and in some instances crashing Remote Desktop.


For Windows 7 users, this week’s cumulative update was supposed to be about bolstering the aging platform. However, Microsoft’s update rollout has gone wrong. The company will usually list known issue, but one problem has passed through Microsoft’s safety net.

Windows 7 users have taken to Reddit and Microsoft’s own TechNet forums to complain about the broken cumulative update. Specifically, that is build KB4480970, which seems to cause SMBv2 shares to be inaccessible.

Furthermore, some users are reporting issues with Remote Desktop, such instances of crashes for system Administrators.

There are a couple of solutions that could help ease this problem until Microsoft issues a patch. First and perhaps most wise is to simply uninstall the update. By rolling Windows 7 back to a pre-KB4480970 state the problems will disappear.

To do that, take the following steps:

  • In Windows 7, open the Control Panel and head to Program and Features > Installed Update. This area shows all updates recently installed on the PC.
  • Find the update KB4480970
  • Right-click on the update and select uninstall
  • Reboot system

Registry Workaround

If you are comfortable digging around in the registry, you can enter the following in Command Prompt:

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Of course, editing the registry can bring its own problem, especially for people not used to digging in the roots of the OS. As Microsoft has yet to even officially acknowledge the broken update, our advice would be to uninstall

Luke Jones
Luke Jones
Luke has been writing about Microsoft and the wider tech industry for over 10 years. With a degree in creative and professional writing, Luke looks for the interesting spin when covering AI, Windows, Xbox, and more.

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