Forgetting your account details is pretty much inevitable. Unless you use a password manager, it's easy to forget which email, username, and password combo you used where, leading to support calls and a huge headache.
To aid users, Microsoft is introducing new features that help you automatically recover your account. Under the changes, you can now recover your account, username, or password with an alternate email or phone number.
This has the knock-on effect of making it easier to get your account back from hackers. You can get access back directly from your Xbox, without requiring phone call support. However, to mitigate the danger in the first place, the company will start prompting users to update their security information and take steps to make their account safe.
One of those steps is two-factor authentication, which is now available on Xbox. It means users on a new device will need verification from a registered app or phone number before they log in. This means that even if a hacker knows your password, they have an extra step to get past.
Xbox One Spring Update
These features will soon be joined by the Xbox One Spring Update, which was announced yesterday. The update is currently making its way through the insider rings and will get to regular users soon.
Perhaps the most obvious is a redesign of Edge, updating to a more modern look and improving the control experience. As well as a cleaner look, users will notice improvements to favorites and history.
However, the biggest leap is the ability to download and upload pictures, video, and music directly from Edge. This is something that's been holding it back for some time, and the content can now be viewed via the File Explorer app.
Microsoft has also added volume sliders to background music, spatial audio for menu sounds, Clubs and tournament tweaks, 1440p video output, and more.
With more and more information able to be stored on Xbox accounts, it's becoming increasingly important to protect them, and the latest security features should go a long way towards that.