Microsoft has recently announced a new Power BI Content Pack for Azure Active Directory. The company revealed the new integration on its official blog. With this pack, users get Azure Active Directory APIs in Power BI and download pre-built content packs.
In its post, Microsoft says customers have asked for easy acc4ss to information for analyzing employees using Azure Active Directory. This gives customers tools to manage their IT infrastructure and help increase value for their business.
“The usage and activity reports in the Azure admin portal are a great starting point for accessing and digesting usage trends,” Microsoft says. “But many of you have told us you want the ability to gather richer insights into what’s going on with the various capabilities you rely on in Azure Active Directory. So, today I am excited to announce the new Power BI Content Pack for Azure Active Directory!”
With the new Power BI Content Pack for Azure Active Directory, customers can integrate APIs for analysing data. The pack can look at all activity within an Azure Active Directory. Using Power BI, the data is presented with visualizations. Furthermore, users can create customized dashboards that can be shared across an organization.
Power BI Content Pack for Azure Active Directory
The content packs come with the following key reports:
App Usage and Trend report: Provides insight into the apps used in your organization, including which ones are being used the most and when. Use this report to see how an app you recently rolled out in your organization is being used or find out which apps are popular. By doing this, you can improve usage if you see the app is not being used.
Sign-ins by location and users: Provides insight into all the sign-ins performed using Azure Identity and into the identity of the users. With this report, you can look at individual sign-ins to find information such as where a user signed in from, which user has signed in the most, and whether the sign-in was successful. And you can drill into details by clicking on a specific date or location.