Microsoft’s Project Scorpio Supports UWP Games in 4K

The seeds Microsoft has planted with the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) means Project Scorpio will play Windows 10 PC games created for native 4K. Developers creating UWP games are also creating for the upcoming console because of Microsoft’s universal platform idea.

4K capability is a hot topic in gaming at the moment. Microsoft’s Xbox One S sort of delivers 4K gaming. Sony’s PlayStation 4 Pro also does, again, sort of. Neither console offers native 4K gaming, however. Microsoft is said to have cracked it with Project Scorpio, the company’s super-console platform announced at E3 this year.

In an exclusive report, Windows Central clears up some key details regarding Project Scorpio. More specifically, the outlet says it has spoken to a source close to the project who confirms many of the speculated points about the console.

Before continuing, as this is still sourced material, nothing is official. Considering Project Scorpio will not land until H2, 2017, Microsoft may change details between now and then. Indeed, until the company drops any official info, remain cautious about this information.

Ok, disclaimer over and on to the juicy stuff, which admittedly seems very legit based on what we have heard before.

Microsoft has already confirmed that Project Scorpio will play 4K gaming natively. However, the more interesting aspect is how the console will integrate with Microsoft’s Universal Windows Platform (UWP). Scorpio will run Windows 10 Store UWP titles in 4K, the source told WC.

The company has already tied the Xbox platform to Windows 10 through the Anniversary Update. Apps now work across all Windows 10 form factors. This means any UWP game for Windows 10 will function on Project Scorpio, according to the source.

Project Scorpio: A Developer Platform

In the report, the source states that Microsoft will make Project Scorpio the developmental base for the Xbox platform. The console will do this by mimicking the hardware of the Xbox One S. This will allow developers to scale their titles accordingly to see the power differences from the two consoles.

UWP is also important here, as Microsoft has already created a platform for dev’s to create across form factors. It is now easy to create a single experience for PC, mobile, Xbox, and HoloLens. At its core, this means developers creating for Windows 10 PC are already developing for Xbox because of UWP. It also means games being developers now running 4K (like Gears of War 4) are also Project Scorpio ready.

While the console will be new, it will still be an Xbox One. This means the UI will look the same and Scorpio will run an Xbox One OS. There will be differences to accommodate 4K and VR, but the experience will be tied into Windows 10 like the Xbox One.

Luke Jones
Luke Jones
Luke has been writing about Microsoft and the wider tech industry for over 10 years. With a degree in creative and professional writing, Luke looks for the interesting spin when covering AI, Windows, Xbox, and more.

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Jonathan George Anaya

I can’t WAIT for the Scorpio! My 60″ 4K HDR10 Tv is drooling for 4k@60fps games ;p

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