Bentley Systems is a leader for engineer and architect solutions. The company's latest software products are built on Microsoft Azure platform. Both CONNECT Edition and Crossrail use Azure to offer design and construction operations more infrastructure management. The solutions are available for business owners and consulting firms.
In an official blog post on Microsoft's official website, describing the solutions underpinned by Azure.
Microsoft's Azure Cloud platform allows Bentley Systems to undergo a digital transformation. The company points out that Microsoft's service allows CONNECT Edition to be scalable, secure, and reliable. CONNECT Edition allows customers to “make the design, construction and operation of infrastructure assets easier for owners, consulting firms, and their supply chains around the world.”
Crossrail's Common Data Environment has been updated into a hybrid cloud-computing platform using the Azure service. Crossrail is described as the largest construction project in Europe. Bentley says the service has been developed in an environment for 3D, 4D, and 5D BIM building information. Crossrail is a railway line running 60 miles from Reading to Heathrow in England.
“The AssetWise portion of the CONNECT Edition – comprising the main information and process services – was migrated to the service earlier this year. This system has been running 24/7 for over six years and was moved seamlessly as part of a performance improvement and cost reduction initiative that now enables the system to scale easily for the remainder of the project.”
Boeing Backs Azure
Just week another major industry heavyweight announced that it will be using the Azure platform. Aviation giant Boeing says it will use Aviation Analytics based on Microsoft's cloud platform through 300 million apps across airlines.
“Over the next 24 months, the cloud transition will broaden to other locations and become commercially available to other clients. Microsoft has promised help with these sales, rather than just providing the software's backbone.”