The two day conference will be managed by Microsoft India and is the first of its kind in the country, featuring a six hour hackathon.
Microsoft is holding its first ever open source conference for developers in India, with the company using its Indian division to host the Microsoft Openness Days.
The two-day event is being held in Hyderabad and is targeted to developers, especially those involved in cloud and in Azure as an open platform.
During the conference, Microsoft will discuss its cloud aspirations, which are thought to be extensive enough that a cloud first strategy is now being adopted by the company.
Microsoft Openness Days will welcome 1000 developers and cloud professionals and Microsoft India will aid attendees in understanding the Azure platform.
Shri Jayesh Ranjan, IAS, Secretary, Information Technology, Electronics & Communications Department for the Government of Telangana was pleased to welcome the conference:
“We are a firm supporter of technology to drive Telangana’s growth and development. We are very pleased to partner with Microsoft to host the Open Hack in our state. We are confident that the immense talent of our developer pool, combined with Microsoft’s technologies and expertise, can help achieve our digital goals and in turn, the welfare of our citizens.”
The local government has also helped Microsoft to debut its first even Open Source on Azure hackathon in India, with the company introducing Open Hack. The competition will see developers work on applications and ideas around the State Governments digital frameworks.
The six hour event will end with six of the best application chosen to develop their idea further with the potential to bringing it to the Azure marketplace. Microsoft says on its official event page that the Open Hack (which will happen on Day 1 of the conference) will help spur collaboration amongst developers:
“The Open Hack Day is dedicated to innovation and endless opportunities. It is a platform for startups, developers and innovative groups working on Open Source or Microsoft technologies to network, share ideas and collaborate with each other. It is also an opportunity for you to lay the foundation of building solutions around social problems and showcase them to the world.”
SOURCE: Microsoft
We won the hackathon in First place!! TEAM #RUSHHELP. Proud to be the first in first ever indian conference. !! Thanks microsoft and government of telangana!! Contact us at [email protected]