HomeWinBuzzer NewsHoloStudio: Microsoft Releases HoloLens 3D Creation App on the Windows Store

HoloStudio: Microsoft Releases HoloLens 3D Creation App on the Windows Store


Microsoft has published HoloStudio on the Windows Store and prepares the delivery of first HoloLens units at the end of the month. HoloStudio offers a point and click toolset for creating holograms for Microsoft´s 3D headset.

While HoloStudio has been put online already on the Windows Store, you will need a HoloLens device to download the app.

From what can be seen on the app-description, users might be able to get additional features via in-app purchses.

HoloStudio allows to “Create 3D in 3D, using a suite of mixed reality tools”, to take “mixed reality pictures and videos of your creations placed in the real world” and to build “directly on objects and surfaces around you.”

Creations can be shared online and printed in 3D with supported 3D-printers. The new HoloLens Clicker that helps HoloLens users interact with holograms and navigate menus easier is also supported.

Three screenshots from the Windows Store listing give some idea how HoloStudio looks like. The creation tool offers a set of tool to create 3D objects while wearing HoloLens, placing them directly inside the mixed-reality view. As this first image suggests, it will be possible to replicate existing objects as a virtual 3D-model like this little Transformers figure.

Microsoft HoloLens HoloStudio app official 3

Another way you can use HoloStudio is to add virtual details to existing real-life objects, like in the case of this Teddy bear who got a mustache, glasses and a hat.

Microsoft HoloLens HoloStudio app official 2

As this last image unveils, HoloStudio offers some topic-related collections of objects to create theme-sceneries like this winter image.

Microsoft HoloLens HoloStudio app official

If you want to see HoloStudio in action, you can do so watching the following video from April 2015 when Microsoft made its first big presentation of Hololens. The part where HoloStudio gets demoed starts at around 1:45. Below you find also a promo-video for HoloStudio which shows some more details of what is possible with the HoloLens 3D creation app.

SOURCE: HoloStudio on the Windows Store

Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus has been covering the tech industry for more than 15 years. He is holding a Master´s degree in International Economics and is the founder and managing editor of Winbuzzer.com.

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