HomeWinBuzzer NewsGovernment Data: Windows 10 market share hits 30% on private devices, no...

Government Data: Windows 10 market share hits 30% on private devices, no progress in corporate space


Breaking up usage data by weekdays reveals that while ´s share grows around 1% per month, this rate is poised to slow down in the coming months when most users will have migrated.

Figures from different stat providers like Netmarketshare and Statcounter give Windows 10 a current overall of 10-12% and indicate that its user base is growing at a rate of about 1% per month. Unfortunately those numbers offer little detail where that growth comes from.

The Register has now come up with a nice analysis of the data collected by US government websites. Daily figures from those public websites reveal that Windows 10´s growth is owed mostly to private PCs which are getting upgraded from .1 and Windows 7. In the office sphere however, Windows 7 is continuing to keep its share of about 70%.

Simon Sharwood from The Register has created this 90 days graph based on daily figures which shows nicely how Windows 10 usage goes up on the weekends from about 14% to 29%, where at the same time Windows 7 usage is dropping from 70% to about 46%.

Windows 10 market share the register government dataImage: The Register

Another interesting detail we get from that graph is that most of Windows 10´s growth comes from devices running on Windows 8.1. Most of the private and corporate users that ignored Windows 8 before, don´t seem to change their opinion just because of Windows 10 now.

seems to really have a hard time convincing them, even though there is a free upgrade offer available and aggressive upgrade notices make sure users know about it.

There is another detail Microsoft should worry about. With a Windows 8.1 market share of just 10-15% left, Windows 10´s adoption rate is poised to slow down in maybe the next six month. Not all Windows 8.1 users will switch so we can expect this version to stay at the 4-6% levels of Vista and XP for years ahead.

Sources: The Register, Statcounter, Netmarketshare

Last Updated on January 11, 2017 7:00 am CET

Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus Kasanmascheff
Markus has been covering the tech industry for more than 15 years. He is holding a Master´s degree in International Economics and is the founder and managing editor of Winbuzzer.com.

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