When exiting Windows 10´s new Edge Browser you might end up always closing all open tabs. Here is full control about that feature and how to turn it back to default.
Method One: How to disable “Do you want to close all tabs” in Microsoft Edge
Method Two: How to enable or disable “Do you want to close all tabs” using a REG file
The “Do you want to close all tabs” dialog
When you leave Microsoft Edge it is asking you if you want to close all tabs. If by chance you select Always close all tabs you will not be asked again in the future. To force Microsoft Edge again to remember your open tabs on the next start, you have to set a registry key.
A) Enabling automatic closure of all tabs in Microsoft Edge
Click on exit in Microsoft Edge when you are browsing more than one website. When the “Do you want to close all tabs?” dialog appears, check the Always close all tabs and click Close all.
B) Enabling / Disabling automatic closure of all tabs in Microsoft Edge using a .REG file
With the REG-file below you can apply the setting with a double-click. It will switch a registry key that decides if the “Do you want to close all tabs”- dialog will be shown.
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREClassesLocal SettingsSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
AskToCloseAllTabs DWORD
0 = On
1 = Off
1. Download custom REG file for enabling / disabling automatic closure of all tabs
Right click on the following links and choose Save link as… to download the custom REG files.
DOWNLOAD: Microsoft_Edge_Ask_To_Close_All_Tabs.reg
DOWNLOAD: Microsoft_Edge_Dont_Ask_To_Close_All_Tabs.reg
2. Double-click on REG-file to turn to enable / disable automatic closure of all tabs
When prompted for confirmation by the Open File – Security Warning Dialog, select run. Before doing so you can check the REG-file with a text editor to see what it will do.
When prompted for confirmation by the User Account Control, select YES.
Credits: Tenforums
Last Updated on April 13, 2016 6:28 pm CEST